Y/n blushed before freeing her hand and stepping towards his casual outfits. Everything in that compartment was messy. She smiled before pulling out the clothes one by one and arranging them in different piles on the central aisle. Jungkook continued arranging their shoes.

He looked at some of the high heels pointedly, imagining how the small girl could walk in those. Huh.

When he was done, he saw y/n pulling down all his white tshirts and folding them in one pile.

"Hey! Why are you mixing up all my tshirts? "

" I'm going to arrange these in one compartment to get one for myself. And all these look the same anyways. You can just pick one from the pile. They were consuming so much space... Honestly! You should donate some of these. Can you even wear all these? "

Y/n pressed her lips together and he looked on as she kept all his pants in one row, and hung his shirts over in. He chuckled when the row of his tshirts reached above her height and she struggled to keep the last of the bunch over the others. Hearing him, she huffed and shoved them all in his hands before stroming out. The short girl!

When he went back up, she was already waiting by the closet door.

" Come on Jungkook. Here. Take these and go hang them in the spare compartment exactly as I'm giving them to you. "

He raised his eyebrows while taking the hangers from her hands and went down. Jungkook sighed in relief when his wife bossed him around for hours as they transferred her things downstairs. He knew she'd at least forgiven him.

Y/n was having fun. She didn't do any heavy work, as her muscled husband easily carried everything wherever she asked him to. Finally some use of his daily workout.

Though she was embarrassed when she had to push him away from the only box she insisted on carrying and arranging herself. Her under wear and the other necessary stuff. Thankfully, she found many empty cupboards in the insuite for her needs without having to ask him as well.

When they were done, it was way past breakfast time and they both didn't have any energy to cook. So, they ordered takeout and enjoyed a large brunch in silence.

After eating, y/n decided to forego her visit to the animal center today in favor of resting.

" So y/n , at what time will you be leaving for the hospital? "

He asked while washing his plates.


"Oh.umm... "

Seeing his awkward countenance, y/n tried to think of something to say.

"Uh.. Would you like to watch a movie? "


He nodded stiffly and joined her in the living room as she set up one on the TV screen.

The couple watched a movie in silence and before she knew it, Y/n was already getting ready for work.

She wore her casual clothes, bid her husband goodbye and drove off.

Jungkook sighed and dropped back on the sofa. He really didn't understand her or himself. Sometimes his wife ignored him, sometimes she cared for him. He didn't detest spending the day helping her at all. She was pretty and mature. Not annoying at all like he'd imagined most girls to be. Still...


He spent the rest of the day working on songs before eating his dinner and going to bed.

He wondered if his wife ate her dinner or was she skipping it? Did she have a dinner break? Would she be hungry when she came back? Should he cook a portion for her? Should he start delivering cooked dinner to her at her hospital? Was the cafeteria food at the hospital healthy?


Late after midnight, y/ n carefully crept in the house and locked the door behind her. She kept her workbag at the kitchen counter and warmed up a glass of milk. After she was done drinking, she slowly walked in their bedroom and straightaway went to the closet, trying not to wake her sleeping husband.

She changed her clothes and brushed her teeth as she'd showered before leaving hospital as usual.

Y/n happily crawled onto bed and fell asleep unknown to the sleeping man besides her.

Next morning.

When y/n opened her eyes, it was already approaching 8. She looked around and frowned on hearing nothing.
When she was cleaned up, she checked and as expected, Jungkook had already left for work. He'd left a note on the kitchen counter with breakfast and she smiled looking at the his beautiful handwriting.

Y/n happily ate her food before saving the note in her newly started journal.


She then proceeded to work in the backyard as her previous routine. After which, she volunteered at the animal rescue centre before going to the hospital.
She wanted to cook for her husband too but the schedules didn't allow it today.

Maybe she can cook the breakfast tomorrow?

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