42 - One Last Thought...

Start from the beginning


"Yeah. Try not to get on his bad side, he will literally destroy you."

"Why do you sound so smug about it?"

"Cause I'm proud of him. He's the strongest person I've ever known, Jimin. Both physically and mentally."

"But he behaves like a baby with you." Jimin's voice was almost a whine, as if he thought Taehyung was messing with him.

"That's because he chose to be like that. He's my baby, that's true. But he's not a baby."

"I would never have guessed that."

"Hmm.. that's why I'm worried. I don't want him to do anything. He has a reputation to protect. He's not a faceless person now. I'm glad Hobi is with him. He should be able to keep Jungkook in check."

"Let's hope we get some good news soon. So that he will not have to resort to other methods than what's legal."

"Yeah." Taehyung sighed. "Let's hope."
"Your variety show for tomorrow is canceled." Hoseok said as he read Jungkook's schedule out loud for him. "So you have the morning free but we'll need you around midday for that photoshoot in the afternoon."

"Okay." Jungkook answered promptly. "Why is the variety show canceled though?"

"It's with Sana, along with a few other people." Hoseok explained in an annoyed tone. "I told them you can't make it as it's clashing with one of your personal schedules."

Jungkook let out a breath of relief. He was so angry with the girl that he didn't know what he would do. Taehyung made him promise that he will not get involved and let the authorities handle everything. But that promise seemed easier said than done. Every time he sees a missed opportunity for Taehyung, his heart gets filled with this anger and frustration. He can't help but feel that this is all his fault. Whatever the beef the girl had with Taehyung, Jungkook was sure that it's because of her feelings towards him.

Jungkook looked up from his chain of depressing thoughts, when Hoseok put his hand over Jungkook's shoulder and gave a gentle pat.

"Thank you, hyung." Jungkook smiled at the elder gratefully. "I appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it, Kookie. I got your back."

"I know."

And Jungkook really did know that. Entertainment industry is filled with backstabbing and bitter people, it's rare to find someone who genuinely cares for your wellbeing.

He was lucky to have found Hoseok.

"Uncle.. Is something wrong?"

"We have run into a small trouble, darling. It's nothing I can't handle but I just wanted to give you a heads-up."

"Trouble? What trouble?"

"I've been told that people have been poking their heads into details about your hometown and family. Could be nothing, but I wonder what else they have caught on to, if they are already snooping around there."

"Do you think they will get to know about you? Bet it's that pesky company! They cleared the rumors already. Uhhhh… I hate them! I hate him!!"

"I don't think they will find a connection, Sana. Unless of course they are poking onto my business at the same time. They wouldn't dare!"

"I hate this. I really, really hate this! I just want him gone!!"

"Do you?"


"Do you really want him gone, Sana? Cause I can surely make that happen."


"Just say the word, darling.. uncle will do it for you."

"I-... I don't want to get in trouble."

"Of course not. Things like these are a piece of cake for me."

"I don't know what to say, Uncle."

"All you have to say is Yes. I'll take care of the rest."

"I-... Yes."
Taehyung struggled to open his eyes, as the splitting headache made it hard to do so. His leg was numb and he could feel some sort of a liquid running through the side of his torso. It was strange how he immediately thought of it as blood, even though there was no pain in that area. Maybe it's gotten numb too.

A rough movement from his side made his awareness flickered alive a bit but he kept his eyes shut. He didn't want others to know that he had gained consciousness. Plus he still found it hard, one of his eyes seemed to be glued shut. Again, blood seemed to be a good guess.

Taehyung was coming back from a shooting when a vehicle crashed into his van from the side. He remembered how the car somersaulted and landed on its front. He was drifting in and out of consciousness when a few voices reached his ear. He couldn't comprehend most but a few phrases like 'check if anyone is alive' or 'don't leave any evidence' were enough for him to understand that it's not a rescue team.

As he felt some sort of movement, Taehyung risked opening his un-glued eye in slow motion. What he saw made his heart drop to his stomach. The front of his van was crushed badly, he couldn't even make the faces of his driver and bodyguard. One of his legs was caught between the rubble which should explain the numbness. The side he was sitting on was relatively less damaged, given that the vehicle was hit from the other side.

He turned his head to the other side and there was a vehicle, slowly pushing his one. It only took a split second for him to realize that it must be the movement was feeling. His van was being pushed to the side. Taehyung panicked, and looked out the window of his side, only to see the clear sky.

'Ahh..' Taehyung thought to himself. 'We were taking the mountain road. Lucky us.'

Taehyung looked at his side again, where normally Jimin sits. Today, however, Jimin stayed behind to talk with the producers of the shoot a bit, to discuss a possible extension of Taehyung's endorsement deal. Normally they have that type of discussion at the office but when the producers expressed their intent, Jimin immediately paused his plans and gave priority to that.

'He tries too hard for me.' Taehyung smiled to himself, thanking the Gods that his manager-slash-friend didn't accompany him today. At least Jimin was safe from the horrible fate that was waiting for Taehyung and the other two people in his car. As the vehicle toppled over the safety railing, Taehyung desperately tried to remove his seat belt, as a last attempt to save himself.

The final thoughts that filled his mind was of Jungkook. His laughter, his touch, his kisses, the face he makes when Taehyung comes home after a busy day… his love…

As Jungkook's angelic sleeping face flashed across his mind, Taehyung closed his eyes, whispering one last thought, hoping somehow it would reach Jungkook's heart.

'Stay safe, Kookie. I love you."

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