Meeting Your Stalker ch5

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You get up and scurry over to the side of the bed and decide to crawl under it to hide. Damn, this is a tall bed... you thought to yourself. You see the door swing open and watch the pair of feet as they stood there. He must've been wondering where you went, you watched as he walked around the room. He checked the closet and any other place that you could possibly be hiding at or in. In a blink of an eye you had lost him, you looked around confused and panicked more asking yourself if he had left already. Just then, a pair of big hands grab you by the ankles and drags you out. He flips you over and pins you down with his hands on the sides of your head. "Well good morning princess~" he smirks seductively, checking you up and down "Did you think you could hide from me that easily?" He asked pouty, somewhat disappointed, not because you tried to hide, but because he knew you could've done better. You furrowed your brows and looked at him upset not knowing what to say. Surprisingly he was pretty cute but you wouldn't tell him that. "What do you want from me?" You let out standing your guard. He smirks again and lifts his hand up to your chin "Why, you~ wasn't that obvious?" He chuckled glancing down to your lips. You slightly blushed and turned your head to the side pushing his hand off of you "I mean who are you and why am I here-" You huffed out even more upset. He just looked widely at you and how oblivious you are, you really weren't putting it together were you... "You really don't have a clue as to who I could possibly be? And or why you're here?" He asked in a 'are you serious' kinda way. You turn your head back towards him to get a better look. You look at every detail on his skin as you eye his face up and down "Nope" you say plainly "Wait.... a-are you my stalker?" You questioned with an almost disgusted face. It wasn't exactly that you were disgusted, just pissed; because this was the bastard that's been ruining your life. The guy who put fear and loneliness into your everyday life for months, and he's the one that possibly hurt or even killed your first love... Bakugo. Your eyes softened thinking about the blonde boy, you hoped he was ok."Man, don't look at me like that, that really hurts my feelings" the man pretended to be hurt, pouting again as he clutched his chest in a teasing way "Here let me help you up" his attitude changed quickly. He got off of you and held his hand out for you to grab. You snarl at him pushing his hand away "Thanks, but I can get up myself-" You looked pissed and annoyed as you dusted yourself off. "Well, suit yourself" the man shrugged "I'll be back later with something for you to eat. Sit still and be pretty for me will ya?" He turned and looked over his shoulder winking as he walked towards the door. "Oh! And one more thing.... try not to piss me off ok? You really don't want to see me get mad" his face turned dark with his last words, and then he slammed the door and left you in silence

The Encounter Continued (Yandere Dabi x Chubby Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum