The Unwilling Guest ch4

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3rd P.O.V

After dodging cameras and whatever civilians were on the streets, he finally got you to his hidden home. It was somewhere far enough that no one would find you and there was nowhere for you to run to if you attempted to escape. Surprisingly for it being like an underground bunker,  it was pretty nice. He had 5 rooms including the living room and kitchen plus 2 bathrooms. It was all pretty great actually... until you're unwillingly stuck there 24/7 with your stalker/kidnapper for God knows how long doing God knows what. He had already set up your room with all the things he's collected, ranging from clothes to small accessories, like hair ties and chapstick. He walked into his home with your chubby frame in his arms, he made sure to carefully put you onto your bed comfortably, before heading back to the front door making make sure everything was locked. Ironically, you had done that every day for 2 months to keep him out, and now he's doing it to keep you in. Dabi seemed completely impressed and prideful with how smooth it was to get you here. Of course, he didn't doubt himself though, he was gonna make it happen one way or another no matter how hard it would've gotten

Y/N's P.O.V

You slowly fluttered your eyes awake and sat up quickly, somewhat remembering what happened. Your head becomes dizzy with the rush of blood and the pain from being hit. You groan and rub your head, not recognizing you're in a random room. After a moment of sitting and rubbing your head you look around.... this wasn't your room... this wasn't even your house. Where the hell am I?! You asked yourself confused and slightly panicked. What the actual  fuck is going on? You walk to the door and try opening it, but it was locked. You had no idea what happened or how you even got here. All you remembered was... what was it you remembered? Oh yeah! Bakugo! The memory of the news popped up into your head and you stepped back slowly before collapsing on the floor. You gasped covering your mouth, tears formed thick in your eyes thinking about what could've happened to him and if he was even ok. As you got lost in thought and sadness, you were pulled back to reality hearing a loud thunk on the opposite side of the door. It seems like the person had unlocked it and was about to come in. You sat blankly  for a moment before panicking and realizing you should at least hide or something

The Encounter Continued (Yandere Dabi x Chubby Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ