Chapter 1: Rouge's Visit and Duel, Meeting The Rest of the Primordial Demons!

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Rouge POV:

I was bored fighting some weaklings from my Lineage. As they sworn Servitude to me they all kneeled. Since they were my Descendants, I accepted their role as their Master.

Oh how I really want to fight someone stronger. Then that opportunity presented itself as I heard the an announcement from the 《Voice Of The World》

{Notice: Egoless 《Manas》will now have an Ego based on the Individual 《Azazeru》

Creating an Ego based on the Individual 《Testarossa》's description

Evolving Egoless 《Manas》to 《Manas: Strategist God Azazeru》

That ends the Evolution.}

Hoh~? That's very interesting...

When I first heard that Blanc had been named by our so called "Creator" and appointed as the Rught Hand Woman, I knew that she would be interesting to have a fight with.

Now, she has what it called a "Manas"? I don't know about it yet. But it seems she had another powerful skill.

After some time, I then felt her presence here in the Underworld.

I won't miss this chance to face her!

Then I went towards her direction.

As I arrived in front of her, she seems to be startled at first then she gets into a fighting stance. How interesting indeed!

"Don't be so stiff, Blanc. No, maybe I should call you by the name he gave you, Testarossa." I said as I smiled widely.

"What do you want, Red." She asked.

"What? Can't I meet my fellow Primordial Demon? And it seems you were in a middle of something." I said as I noticed some of her Lineage were tied upside-down.

"It seems you had some manners. Yes, I was in the middle of punishing them!" She retorted.

"Well, I don't care either way. I just want to find out which of us is stronger." I said as I ready myself.

"Usage of any magic is allowed. The winner of this duel of ours will prove themselves stronger." I added.

"Sure." Testarossa replied.

I was about to ready my nuclear magic when I was suddenly got tied. As I saw her expression. I just couldn't accept this! She was toying with me!

"That was a dirty play!" I shouted.

"I won this duel, Rouge." She said coldly.

What the hell?! Why can't I break these?! It's too strong damn it!

"Admit defeat and I'll let you go." Said Testarossa as she looked down on me.

"Then you have to finish me. My pride and ego can't allow myself to admit defeat against you!" I said furiously.

"You really are a Prideful Demon aren't you? Well then, maybe I'll have to punish you also." She said with a huge grin on her face.

I for once felt fear. I couldn't do anything but to accept. But I can't just accept this crushing defeat from her! No, I have to face reality now. This will serve as my training to get myself stronger.

Then, I was left hanging for few days. When Testarossa released me, I just went back to my Territory.

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Returning as the White Primordial Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ