Prologue: There Is No Way I Just Got Reincarnated Again as a White Primordial!

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Full Title: There Is No Way I Just Got Reincarnated Again as a White Primordial and Got Appointed as Veldanava's Right Hand!

(A/N: From this Chapter I will now call Shiraori as "White" and later on the series as "Testarossa")

Veldanava POV:

This is my final and perfect world, the creation that I can call "Cardinal World". For many failures, and repeats to creat it. This may be it, all I need to do is to have 7 Primordial Angels and 7 Primordial Demons. Later on, I will appoint someone as the Mediator of the Cardinal World.

Probably you know who I am, but for those who don't. I'm Veldanava, the Creator of the Multiverse. You could say that I'm one of the Supreme Deities in the world. But only 2nd strongest next to my Sister who is having a rest.

She whom is only the True Deity, Original Creator of all Gods and Goddess. But of course there are different cases when a mere mortal becomes a God or Goddess.

Now back to where we are now. As I created this what I called Cardinal World. I first created the Primordial Demons to protect the Underworld known as Hell to humans.

Each of them represents the color White, Black, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Purple. Each of them having the "temporary" names Blanc for White, Noir for Black, Rouge for Red, Jaune for Yellow, Bleu for Blue, Vert for Green, and Violet for Purple.

I then next created the Primordial Angels, at which I named their leader as Feldway. The next 6 were Dino, Gracia, Kornu, Obera, Pico, and Zalario.

Next I then created different races, animals, and finally monsters. I then made 《The Voice Of The World》and set up some rules. I commanded the angels to attack any advancing Human Nations whether it is an Elf, Dwarves, or any intelligent races that are capable to make a nation that will lead into world destruction after 5,000 years from now. And repeat it every 500 years.

I then decided to observe the Primordial Demons to see what they are doing, but then I noticed something on White's Soul. It's not the soul of White but someone else's soul that had merged with the original White.

Then I teleported White in front of me, she seemed scared in some way. Well I don't blame her. When I looked into her soul more, it was becoming more interesting! She can be my right hand!

>Are you there, Blanc? No, Shiraori.<

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

White POV:

I opened my eyes and I found myself in a scenery as if I'm in Hell. I thought I was just driving my way to the school where I'm teaching? Oh wait... I just died again didn't I?!

Is this my punishment?! Oh no, did D do this?! No, calm down. I may be in a different Universe, yes! I may be!

Now let's test something, what is it you asked? It was to see if I can use Conjuring. Then I tested it but to no avail.

I then imagined using threads that will come out to my hands, but that also didn't work. I then look at my body, huh my hair is white again. I can't tell what I look like now.

But as I was curious about my looks, I was suddenly in front of a very strong being! W-What is this?! A-A Dragon?! I'm actually scared here! I just got reincarnated damn it! Will I be killed?!

Then I heard a voice.

>Are you there, Blanc? No, Shiraori.< The voice said and asked.

Returning as the White Primordial Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant