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a very warm and loud applause welcomed him as he step onto the podium. he took the mic and looked around with a smile plastered on his face, "a pleasant evening to each and everyone. first of all, i would like to greet our headmaster, the teaching and non-teaching faculty staff, and to my fellow students. tonight, we are here to celebrate a very important event for our seniors. i would like you all to seize this moment and remember every second for this will only last several hours but will be carved into your memories forever."

jake smiled and walked to the center of the stage, the spotlight following his every move, "i am glad to see you all here, smiling and looking your best. on behalf of the student council, i'd like to congratulate you all for surviving yet another school year. you're all so great and remember to always put your faith in yourself to every step you make. our university would be always proud and will serve as a home to you, students. have fun and enjoy the rest of the night."

he was assigned for the opening remarks of the ball. his speech was an impromptu one, he didn't want to think too much about it because he still don't feel well. mentally and emotionally, he meant. 

he sat down on their table near the stage with the rest of the student council surrounding them. 

"and there, thank you so much for our student council president, ash jake sim, for that short but very worthwhile speech. now, let's start the fun, shall we?" everyone clapped and shouted, getting their spirits up. "let's see a production number from our own dance team!"

more or less fifteen students stood up and made their way to the middle, the dance floor, with yeonjun choi leading them. earning applauses and cheers from the crowd.

jake examined the group of dancers, he looked back to iver, "thyro's part of them?"

the vice showed a proud smile and nodded. jake was honestly impressed to see how talented thyro riki is and how much potential he has in him.

"break a leg, thyro!!!" sunghoon shouted from nowhere making lorenzo shook his head in disappointment.

"wow, he's really brave for that." iver uttered, he looks more embarrassed than sunghoon himself.

lorenzo sighed, putting his glass down, "yeonjun's gonna show off again."

"why, park? envious of bas?" haruto mockingly said and chuckled.

"oh just shut up." lorenzo replied as he rolled his eyes.

everyone in their table watched the performance seriously, it was a freestyle dance but highlights yeonjun and thyro as they were the most popular in the team. and they already stood out just by their height so it's not that hard not to notice them.

"i just hope no one rips their slacks." haruto commented making everyone chuckle, even jake.

as the dance come to an end, yeonjun handed a bouquet of flowers to sunoo which he gladly took. making the crowd wild for the last time.

"what the hell? where'd he even get that?" it was lorenzo. 

iver chuckled watching sunoo, "i can see him blushing from here!"

"he literally said, 'excuse me, i have to make a scene,' like for fuck's sake, when will it be my turn?!" haruto complained jokingly.

after their performance, the host announced that the dinner will be served, and when they're done they can go back to the other intermission number and party.

he wasn't even halfway done with his food but the music are already on, hyping up the crowd.

to cut it short, jake just found the food bitter as all he can see is lorenzo flirting with iver nonstop. not to mention the other students that are either flirting at their own table, or dancing in the dance floor, but still didn't escape his eyes.

solace | heejake.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat