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"gosh, i really missed this." kai then rested his back on the headboard of his bed. while taehyun sat meters away from the two, still doing his last paper and promised to join the conversation as soon as he's done.

it's two am and they still have a long way to go, they don't mind as sunday just came.

kai arranged a sleepover for the three of them because he felt that they've been away from each other for a while which is very much true. but jake being studious as he always have, proposed they should all finish their requirements first before having fun, and so they did.

"to tell you truth, jakey, i'm kinda getting jealous of ethan hyung. you're always together!"

for kai, the main agenda for this sleepover is to knock some senses to his two friends. even if they don't say it, he knew that his friends were going through something and is just choosing to move forward instead of stopping and fixing the problem. he can clearly tell by the way they were acting and it's about time to address it.

it would be easy for taehyun. he's just not quite sure about jake.

ah, it's my turn now. jake thought.

"as if you're not always with soobin hyung." jake retorted, he remembered how taehyun complained to him because he's been alone for the last few days.

kai couldn't help but roll his eyes, "that's because he's my boyfriend. what about you and the captain, pres?"

fuck, not again. jake heaved a sigh befofe replying, "we're friends--"

"jake, you know you're wrong. we all know where this is heading. we've already seen you like this once. when you were with ji--"

"kai, i know what i'm doing. i very much appreciate the concern but let me have fun, please? ethan is very nice, he's important to me now."

"you don't have to beg, you deserve all the best things in the world but you still have to settle things with ji--"

"it's been long done. we properly settled things already." jake tried to calm down, it's his friend who he's talking to. he can't be mad because of that.

it would be so immature of jake to get mad at his friend because of his ex, jisung. yes, jake had a hard time moving on and forgetting jisung. what can you say? jisung was his first love, they were high school sweethearts.

there were no other parties involved. in fact, it was a mutual decision. still, jake was against it. he just had no choice. both of their parents don't like them for each other. making it really hard for jake to move forward, forget, and heal. but people change, everything does. for jake, jisung and everything that they had is all in the past now.

kai took a deep breath and sat closer to jake, "i don't want you to get hurt, jake. and ethan hyung too. i've seen it, he don't deserve to be hurt by you."

"what made you think i'll hurt him?"

"have you ever moved on?"

jake looked away, he was expecting the question but it still caught him off guard.

"i hope you're not using the captain for your own good."

"kai, i don't like the way you're talking to me right now. i get your point. but don't get ahead of things. i'm not using him." jake is obviously flabbergasted. he did not expect it will end up to this.

"i'm saying this so you can still save yourselves while you still can. i just asked you if you have moved on, you can't even give me an answer. it's long overdue. it's been a year already."

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