Entry 3: Love is in the Ground

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The next day of school, we were all in Theater Class. I love this class! I love acting out on stage plays and all that. I see some of my team mates like Suruga and Roon don't like it at all. Impero had to sit out because she couldn't read the script but at least should enjoyed listening to what was going on. Vanguard seemed to not mind this class. While Sirius seemed a little uneasy and nervous, I don't think she likes being on stage or speaking in front of an audience.

Everyone was getting handing a script.

" Aoba, your up first" Victorious said, as I got up on stage.

" no no no, Aoba you're the main lead and you need to be more charming! more romantic!" Victorious said, thinking Aoba is lacking confidence as the main lead who is suppose to be dashing, woo like, and bold. Be basically that womanizer on stage.

I really, really don't like this role.

" can Vanguard have this role instead?" I say, thinking she's perfect for it.

" sure, but than you'll have to be her role and no switching after that. After all, life doesn't just hand you what you want. Especially in this industry, you've got to work with what you've got. Be grateful!" Victorious said, hearing me say " ok! ok! I will. I'll take Vanguards role!" hearing Victorious say " Vanguard?" waiting for her to either accept or deny the exchange. I'm really hoping she accepts.

Vanguard: " fine, it doesn't matter to me" getting up. Handing me her script as I hand her mine.

" NO WAY!" I say, thinking I got the role of the second main character. Who just happens to be the other main characters lover.

" yoooooo you're sooo lucky!" Foxhound said, looking at my script. Thinking the best part of the play is that I get to share a kiss with Vanguard. While I see on her script that she's playing a tree. WOW! TRADE WITH ME!

While practicing on stage. I felt super uncomfortable, I mean Vanguard was bold and charming alright... there was a lot of scenes where she had to caress my cheek lovingly or lift my chin up and use her hand to casually slide down my back just for show since everyone loves seeing this shit.

She did a really good job, maybe too good of a job. But I could tell she was the same horrible person she is. Because when we take short breaks, she acts like a totally different person than the loving and caring person she is supposedly acting out on stage.

When we got to the kissing part...

Vanguard pulled me close and was going to go in for the kiss until I freaked out saying " wait! wait!" struggling in her grip. Trying to push her back.

Vanguard looked at me with annoyed eyes, than said " oh come on, it's just a kiss" thinking nothing of it. Not seeing the problem or why I'm so worked up about it.

The bell rung. Thank Heavens Will!

" you two had better work on this together if you want good chemistry for the big schools play. After all, Princeton will be there so it's serious! this is a pass for fail!" Victorious spoke, drilling it into us the importance of executing it perfectly. Ugh! no way! I really don't wanna fail! but I really don't wanna kiss Vanguard. Even though I voiced my opinion to Victorious she wasn't having any of it.

" what's wrong, never kissed a girl before?" Vanguard teased, making me blush and say " easy for you to say! I can't believe my first kiss is gonna be with you" thinking Vanguard's kissed so many girls that this'll be another drop in the bucket for her.

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