The morgue technician's plain face turned into a small smirk at the view of the girl and almost automatically got up picking up the money in the process. 
"Of course, anything for the pretty lady. Follow me." 

Nancy faked a smile cringing at the compliment slightly before immediately following the man, she sent a smile towards the brothers who held impressed expressions on their faces. 

Once they got into the Morgue Sam spoke up, "Now the newspaper said his daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding." 

The Morgue technician pulled back the sheet that laid over Steven's face. Luckily this wasn't the first dead body Nancy had seen because otherwise she definitely would've puked. 

"More than that. They practically liquefied." the man informed 
"Any sign of a struggle? Maybe somebody did it to him?" Dean asked curiously 
"Nope. Besides the daughter, he was all alone." the technician answered honestly 
"What is the official cause of death?" Nancy questioned 
"Ah, Doc's not sure. He's thinking massive stroke, maybe an aneurysm? Something burst up in there, that's for sure." the technician replied 
"What do you mean?" Nancy wondered 

"Intense cerebral bleeding. This guy had more blood in his skull than anyone I've ever seen." the technician responded 
"The eyes mash what would cause something like that?" Sam inquired 
"Capillaries can burst. See a lot of bloodshot eyes with stroke victims." 
"Yeah? You ever see exploding eyeballs?" Dean asked curiously 
"That's a first for me, but hey, I'm not the doctor." The technician shrugged 
"Hey, think we could take a look at that police report? You know for, uh...our paper." Dean spoke inquisitively 

"I'm not really supposed to show you that." the man replied with a hint of hesitation causing Sam to pull out his wallet this time annoyed. 

After finishing in the Morgue the group headed downstairs discussing the case. 
"Might not be one of ours. Might just be some freak medical thing." Sam offered 
"How many times in Dad's long and varied career has it actually been a freak medical thing and not some sign of an awful supernatural death?" Dean asked knowingly 
"Uh, almost never." Sam replied 
"Exactly." Dean nodded 
"All right, then in that case let's go talk to the daughter." Nancy suggested causing the two to nod in agreement before heading to their car to go to the shoemaker house. 

Once they made it they walked into the funeral, Nancy took in her surroundings and noticed a picture of Steven on the desk and also made note that the attendees are all men in black suits and women in black dresses except for them. 

"I feel like we're underdressed." Dean muttered 
"Definitely." Nancy replied in agreement before they walked further into the house towards the back. 

After asking a random man for directions the group ended up making their way towards Donna and Lily Shoemaker who were currently with their friends Jill and Charlie. 

"You must be Donne, right?" Dean gathered as they approached the group 
"Yeah." Donna nodded 
"Hi, we're really sorry." Nancy sympathized
"Thank you." Donna spoke kindly towards the girl 
"I'm Sam, this is Dean and Nancy. We worked with your dad." 
This caused Donna to look at Charlie then back to the trio 
"You did?" Donna questioned 

"Yeah. This whole thing. I mean, a stroke." Dean pushed causing Nancy's stomach to twist feeling bad for bothering this grieving family but she knew it was the only way to find out what they needed to know in order to possibly need to protect them and the people around them.
"I don't think she really wants to talk about this right now." Charlie cut in 

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Donna reassured him 
"Where there any symptoms? Dizziness? Migraines?" Dean listed 
"No." Donna shook her head causing Lily to turn around 
"That's because it wasn't a stroke." Lily spoke up 
"Lily, don't say that." Donna sighed 
"What?" Sam suddenly said confused 
"I'm sorry, she's just upset." Donna told the trio

"No, it happened because of me." Lily pushed 
"Sweetie, it didn't." Donna reassured 
"Lily." Nancy spoke up grabbing the girls attention causing Nancy to lean over to her height. "Why would you say something like that?" 
"Right before he died, I said it." Lily replied to the girl 
"You said what?" Nancy wondered 
"Bloody Mary, three times in the bathroom mirror. She took his eyes, that's what she does." Lily continued causing Donna to speak up 
"That's not why Dad died. This isn't your fault." 

"I think your sister's right, Lily. There's no way it could have been Bloody Mary. Your dad didn't say it, did he?" Dean questioned in a reassuring tone. 
"No, I don't think so." Lily shook her head in consideration.

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