CHAPTER 15 : Party

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Chapter 15:Party

*Tiffany POV*

I saw Tyler, Alec, Dylan, Joe, Chase, and Jenna and her minions

"What are you doing here?"I asked Tyler and the boys

"Shopping for the party"Tyler says in a 'duh' tone

"Then what are they doing?"I asked pointing to the girls

"They wanted to come with us" Dylan says

"Then why'd you accept?"I asked

"Because-"Joe says

"They can accept!"Jenna snapped at me

"Who asked you?"I asked

"I asked myself!"Jenna says

"Well I'm suppose to be the one asking!"I snapped at her shutting her mouth

"Because they seem so pretty and we just couldn't deny it!"said another voice"I don't think we've met before did we!? I'm Seth!"

"Tiffany"I say

"Nice to meet you!"he says taking his hand out for me go shake it I reached for his hand and just a few inches away Jenna stops us by going in between

"I don't think its nice to even meet each other because it seems Tiffany is a bitch!" Jenna says, saying my name in a harsh way

"Well that's probably because you just hate her!"Seth says

"Agreed!"I say shoving her away and shaking our hands


I put on the oceany sky blue dress on and curled my hair curly but not that much curly and applied the same color tone on my face some makeup since my hair is kinda blond and black my eyes are kinda blue so I pick a shiny bright blue eye shadow to make my eyes pop out and also applied some white eye shadow on the top to help it, I applied some eyeliner as a wing and put on mascara

Just as the door bell rings I put on some heels and walk down the stairs and open the door

The boys didn't expect this did they? Well now they should

"Hey guys!"I say they all just nodded

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -*-*-

We get out the car one by one Gavin as he gets out there is so much squeals. Then goes Jake as there is a little less squeal and Jackson, Caleb, and Ryder

I don't even bother going out yet

"Get out of the car Tiffany!" Jake yells

So many people gasp at my name like I mean everyone

People shout "why did you guys bring her?" "What is she doing here?" "She gonna kick our ass!"

"Chilax people!"Gavin says

"We can't chilax we gonna get owned by that girl!"a guy shouts

"What if make ya people chilax!?"Gavin says

"Ohhh!"me and his gang says

"Shut up Tiffany!"Jenna shouts

"You shut up before you get your ass kicked!"I shout back

"The only ass gonna get kicked is yours!"says Cree one of Jenna's minions

"Wanna bet?"I say

"Deal on!"They say (Jenna and her minions

"Let's do this!"I say as people make a crowd around us

"You look like hoe!"

"I was trying to look like you!"

"I'll show you who's boss!"

They all come towards me

They started throwing really really weak punches at me as I stay there

"That's all you bitchez can do? Its my turn!"I say

I go towards them and they stop as I throw really hard punches but not my full strength on their shoulder or should I say Jenna's shoulder and kick her hard in the leg and she falls to the ground grabbing her shoulder and leg as her minions charge at me I du k at their punches while tripping them with my leg and some fall to the ground while I punch the others in the face and the ones that fell to the ground come charging at me as I flip in the air going forward and smash their faces with the landing

"Let's see who's talking now!"I say

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