CHAPTER 4 : *(Revenge)*(sorta)*

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Chapter 4:*(Revenge)*(sorta)

*Tiffany POV*

As I woke up there was a guy waiting for me

"Who are you?"I asked

"I'm the person who saved you!"he says

"Oh Thanks !"I say,"so what's your name?"

"Tyler!"Tyler says

"Hey Tyler!"I say"I'm Tiffany! Why did you save me?"

"Because Stephanie is a choker she only knows how to choke well."Tyler says

"Oh well I will get revenge wanna join?"I ask

"Not gonna happen Tiffany!!"Tyler says

"I'm actually skillful and hurtful!"I say"come on you know I can do it I had her just that I gave her a chance!!"

"Tiffany you know her, Stephanie she nearly chocked you to death!"Tyler said

"Oh come on I get revenge !!"I said

"I'll say yes IF we have a fight together if you got HURT then NO you can't get revenge! If you beat ME then you CAN get revenge DEAL!?"Tyler said

"DEAL!"I say" I can't wait to get revenge she will get her ass kicked! " I can't wait to get revenge and then after that I will be the bad girl! And everyone will be scared of me!"

"Uhh yea? Depends on the group of pops though!"Tyler says

"Oh who cares! At least people will notice me!!"I said

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