CHAPTER 8 : Ambulance Once Again

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Chapter 8:Ambulance Once Again

As I remember the fact that I was strong I tried really hard to get up even though there was pain all over my body

I finally got up barley on my knees and my face went face first flat on the ground as the guy laughed at my attempt

The guy took out a pen and wrote his name
We'll meet again weakie
He left as I nearly blanked out and fainted as I saw Gavin I suppose and his friend laugh at me , but some just stared at me worried!

As my vision became blurry I saw Joe, Chase, Dylan, and Alec coning towards me , but where was Tyler? I ended up blacking out.

*Alec POV*

When we saw Tiffany on the floor we then knew the rumors were true that Gavin beat up Tiffany well at least got banged up against the locker and wall cause I see a dent on both sides

Dylan and Joe went to get a teacher inside the nearest classroom and me and Vahse stayed outside to help/comfort or at least tried to wake her up

Once I knew that she didn't faint I knew she was a strong girl sh got flinged to a locker and on a wall two tines got kicked several times in the leg and got chocked and tried to stand up but ended up face flat on the floor

As the teacher came she called for a nurse and that's when I knew Tyler wasn't here!

And then we went with her to the nurse and then we found out she had broken some bones just from GAVIN FRIIKEN RYDER beat up! MAN TIFFANY US SI STRONG AND THAT'S WHEN I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT SHE IS BRAVE, ST RONG, BEAUTIFUL, ETC.

After that the nurse called the ambulance and took her with them, as that happened Tyler came running towards us and went inside the car with us

"What happened?"asked Tyler

"Didn't hear the rumors?"I said

"Uhh..."Tyler hesitated

"Basically Gavin beat her up!"Chase said

"What did he did?"Tyler asked

"He flinged her to a locker and two walls and kicked her several times with all his might in the legs chocked her and wrote in her hand!"Dylan explained

"Oh that dude! I will get him back!"Tyler said

"No you won't we will you weren't even there when we were there, where were you?"Dylan asked

"I, uhh was... in class yea in class!"Tyler said

"So..."Chase said

"You should..."Dylan said

"Not care about her since you hesitated!"I said

"And ... why ... is t-that?"Tyler said

"Because you didnt care and you stuttered twice!"I said

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*Tiffany POV*

"No!!"I said"MOM!"

I saw my mom being crashed by a car and the car went incredibly fast that in a blink in a eye my mom was already hit by it!

"MOM!"I said as I ran to her, now in tears


"Sweetie I know you will do this for me please I know you are only 5, but you can get a grrat life when you grow older and impress me I'll be watching you impress me!" she said

I watched as she started going into a deep sleep witch she will never come back alive and those were her last words!


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