Oneshot #18

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DEDICATED TO ONE OF MY FAV HOES FREYA SINCE WERE BOTH SUCKERS FOR I CAN SEE U AND R WAITING FOR KATE BAES DRAWING😪. Also for her because she didn't get Taylor tickets and I feel so bad for her so here's a lil somthn to cheer u up bae<3

In my head right now, on the hammock by myself, I think of dancing with a certain someone in the dark, maybe if I got lucky I'd be able to kiss him, it would be a disaster, but it doesn't end like that in my head. This crush is going to be the death of me, isn't it. I take my last pull before I start to feel itchy, fucking mosquitoes, seriously? I consider going inside, but the cold air against my skin feels comforting, like how his body feels when I hug him, making me close my eyes. I have beabadoobee playing in my airpods, Cologne ringing through my ears as the hammock sways back and forth, sort of wishing he'd come outside with some stupid shit in mind to distract myself. I stay thinking before talk comes on, not helping with my tons of emotions at this point in time. I pick up my phone from off my stomach opening my contacts

"Missed call! Mom❤"
Not right now, I scroll through my call log to three days ago, I hadn't needed to call him since I've been here for three days straight, and yeah it's stupid that I want to call him when were in the same place, but I didn't want to get up from my position

Dialing JJ...
"Ur alive wow"
I roll my eyes at the joke, truly knowing deep down that I wanted to laugh
"yeah I am"
"wait why are you calling when your literally outside?"
"didn't want to get up to talk"
"Hold on"
I hear muffling before I hear a door close over, not enough for it to actually close shut, but enough for it to be just the two of us
"You okay? Like really"
"I'm fine"
"You sure? You know we're all here right, I'm right here if you need to talk or anything" (if you get the lumax reference here I actually love u so fucking much, MAX NEEDS TO GET TF OUT OF HER COMA SO I CAN HAVE MY FAVS BACK😕)
"kay well, what's up?"
"like I said, just wanted to talk"
"doesn't matter"
"Watcha doing out there, aren't the mosquitoes out?"
"yeah, doesn't bother me"
"Come inside"
"but I'm comfortable out here"
"I'll bring you inside"
"as in carry me?"
I laugh
"Why not? Underestimating my strength there Carrera?"
"me? Never"
"I'll let you know that I have lifted a lot of heavy things and your definitely not as heavy as any of those things"
"oo, like what?"
"Car parts"
"those aren't heavy?"
"depends on what part you have"
"fair enough"
"I've got weed?"
"so do I"
"might have stolen some from the room earlier"
"There's no way you did that"
"and if I did?"
"then I should have some missing"
"look harder dumbass"
"Ahh, I see now"
"Seriously though what are you doing out there"
Thinking about you and how I'm literally in love with you
"just chilling"
"are you worried about me? It's kinda cute"

We've flirted like this before, it's harmless until you actually start to mean it, or at least realize you actually mean it. I try to hide the growing smile on my face, not ready for his response

"You're kinda cute"
"am I really?"
I cross my legs, trying not to break my character
"Yeah actually"

Biting the bottom of my lip, I pick up my ashtray, relighting the joint I had started earlier, letting my lip go as I inhale. The tingly feeling only lasts for a few minutes, but it's enough to keep me going with this conversation, letting the smoke up in the air

"hmm, only kinda? I mean I think I'm a little more then kinda"
"confidence, like that"
"full of compliments aren't you?"

I laugh, completely destroying my flirtatious number

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