Oneshot #4

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I completely scrapped the whole idea I had before so this is a really small thing for you guys sorry😤❤ hope yall can forgive me.

Anyway I'm going to try my hardest not to forget about this book so let's roll!! This is a lot of angst because I'll actually be k wording myself if I wrote something happy😻‼️ #cripplinganxietyanddepperisson

There is small sexual things that happen but no smut😋

"could you do my hair for me?"
"I'm so sorry Kie I was going out with John B, I can do it for you after?"
"Yeah that's alright, have fun"
"thanks, you're stuck with JJ, Cleo and Pope is at Pope's place"
"oh, that's alright"
"love you!!"
"love you too!"
The door closes, checking where he was. Of course, he's asleep, bordem hitting me. I sit on the edge of the bed, I hear small laughs coming from him.

"you dumbass! You're not sleeping!"
"took you long enough to realize"
He sits up, shirtless of course, it wouldn't be JJ if he wasn't shirtless
"I'm stuck with you for the day"
I shove him, he acts all offended
"first of all ouch, second of all that is not my fault, and third of all you know you love spending time with me, at least the other times say so"
"yeah and that's exactly what's not happening this time"
"let's not forget who was staring at who, and who initiated that makeout"
"that was months ago when I was drunk"
"hm that's funny, because I only remember you having one drink, and what about the other times?"
"oh my god shutup! This is exactly what I mean. It's not happening, you get it?"
"yes ma'am"
He salutes me, rolling my eyes I get off the bed. He follows, twirling my wet hair around his fingers
"you look really pretty with you're hair down Kie"
I hold back from smiling, a smile would cause me too blush, in which if I blush I may say something stu-
I bite my bottom lip, not wanting to say anything else
I walk towards the couch, throwing a blanket over myself he sits on the other side of the couch, the blanket covering him too
"want to watch a movie?"
"sure, you pick"
"hm, romcom?"
He hates those, he purposely picked out that for me
He gets up
"I'd get you a beer, but you're a lightweight and you may end up all over me again"
"I am not a lightweight!"
"according to you, you are"
"when did I- oh my god just give me the beer"
He hands it to me, cracking it open, I immediately take a drink out of it, with the situation I was in, I'd need it later. He opens his, sitting down, clinking our cans together
"cheers to still being alive"
"not funny"
He stares at me, first out of a jokingly look, then it slowly turns into a guilty one.
"it's fine"
"Kiara no it isn't, I said I'm sorry"
I know he was serious, the look on his face of sincerity, the use of my actual name. (fun fact I never type her full name so that's a new one for my keyboard😭)
"and I said it's fine"
He stares at me for a few minutes, letting the silence speak for itself, not for long though, because he shifts closer to me. He takes the can out of my hand, putting his down too, he slowly moves more closer, close enough to wrap his hands around me, close enough to kiss me. The feeling of arms wrap around my waist, my arms wrap around his neck. JJ isn't much of the hugger type, if I'm being honest, I think I'm the only person he hugs. I don't think it's that he's not capable of affection, he just gets nervous showing it, no one really showed him much affection when he was younger, which breaks my heart. I always make sure to show him as much affection as I can, wanting him to understand he deserves it, but for him to hug people first, is rare.

"I'm sorry I'm so sensitive"
He pulls apart from the hug, the feeling of someone else's body against mine goes away, I dread when that feeling comes.
"you are not sensitive. You have a right to still be upset about what happened, I mean you alm- we don't have to talk about it"
"Thank you"
"no problem"
Expecting him to move away, he doesn't. He remains by me, picking out a movie. His one hand rests really close to my inner thigh, closer then it should be. I would tell him to move it if I didn't enjoy it as much as I do. I'm wearing shorts, so his cold hands laying in a place like this has me going crazy. I try so hard not to move or squirm from the touch, but it doesn't work, I squirm, immediately staring up at me
"you like that?"
I don't respond, I just move back to where I was, immediately putting his hand back, but this time his hands are holding my inner thigh, oh lord. Just then my phone pings, I pick it up, sarah, thank God.


Hey u ok?

Yeah just watching a movie with Jayj

I have a hard time believing that;)

I'm fr, when r u coming back?


Wait actually
1 or 2

For what?
Istg if ur doing something illegal with jj I'll come and kill you

I'm nott, just pick

What was the options?

Move away or move closer

Which one did I choose?
Wait for what?!

Move closer, and for scientific reasons;)

Tell me context NOW.

Someone's got their hand on my thigh and you picked more closer into them. Go have fun with ur bf now

There's no one else there
Ur lying

Bye Sar love you

You people drive me nuts!

She's texting someone, I wonder if I'm taking things too far. She would have said something if she was uncomfortable, right? Why am I doing this in the first place, I like her yeah, but there is no way I'd be doing this if I was thinking rationally. But I'm not, I have too though. I move my hand, fidgeting with her bracelets. Brown eyes stare me right in the face, a face pink as can be, and I hidden smile slowly forms on her face
"put it back"
"put what back?"
"don't act dumb. I said, put it back."
She says it firmly, taking a big sip of beer. I don't move my hand, curious as to what she'd do. She takes my hand, placing it where it was originally, taking a deep breath, she moves it lower, I don't move it, I let it stay
"I see you'll get what you want no matter what"
"I told you to move and you didn't, so I did it myself. Don't move it unless you're going closer to the hem of my shorts, which I know you're too shy to do anyway"
I don't say anything, she's been demanding before, but not in this way, but I like it. I don't feel as confident as before, doing whatever I wanted, I wasn't doing that now. She moves closer to my face, my ear, coldness rushing down me, trying to stay still.
"just keep it there, please"
She kisses my cheek, moving back down to her spot, knowing she had just killed me
"I can do that"
"good" (the way I'm getting insane bipanic from this JEUCJRU3JFJR yall think of me as just the writer but I'm with yall. Bare with me JRICJRICJRJ I am trying so hard not to make notes during the story BUT IT IS HARD:s)
"are you desperate for my touch?"
"let's watch the movie"
Every question relating to my actions she doesn't answer, It wasn't because she has no interest in answering them, it's that I'm right. She mumbles something I'm not able to hear before she leans in closer to me, biting her bottom lip. I take a sip, her following after, quickly drinking the rest.
"is there more?"
"yeah, but I'd have to get up for that. Plus I'm worried with how fast you drank that"
"I'm fine, I just want to get drunk faster"
"why's that?"
"no particular reason"
"mm, okay"
I move my hand, getting up to go to fridge
"do we have anything else? Wine, liquor?"
"yes but I'm not giving you that"
"why not"
"because if you go home later sick, you're dads going to kill us"
"I'm not going to be sick! Please, just give me something other then this"
I stand there, I hate that I give into her, but I'm never going to hear the end of this if I don't.
"my parents are out anyway, I'll stay the night if it makes you feel better"
"fine. But tomorrow when you go back, tell your parents you pressured me to give you this"
"I didn't pressure you shit, you're the one who always gives in"
"I'm giving you a little bit, nothing else after that"
"are you serious"
"I'm having another fucking beer after that"
"no you are not"
"stop being so protective! I'll pour it myself jeeze" (sounds like a u problem- sorry mb mb I SAID ID STOP I WILL😋 also we onto the doja playlist rhi rhi ended💔)
"I'm not fighting with you. Pick which one"
"oh my god! Fine, I'll just have another beer"
I hand the can to her, cracking it open. She can get drunk, but I'll just make sure not too myself, so I can help her afterwards. I end up finishing three, her on the fifth. My hand still where she wanted it

"you're staying the night for sure"
She crawls onto her knees, still on the couch, she starts to leave kisses all over my face. This is normal for her, when she's drunk she gets really affectionate, sometimes not too the right people.
"too short are you?"
"leave me alonee"
Yep, she's far gone.
"you had the last one Kie"
Oh that's great, lie your way out, now I have to make sure she doesn't find out there's more
"it's alright, I think you've had enough for tonight anyway, right?"
She disregards my comment, instead staring at me, those fucking eyes could kill I swear
"can we go to the bedroomm"
Get ur head out of the gutter, she wants to cuddle, obviously.
"yeah of course"
"actually, I want to stay here"
She smirks, I know where this is going
"yeah we can"
Picking up the phone, she began to start typing, quickly putting it back down again
"I'll be back just a second, okay? Stay here"
I walk into the bedroom, pulling out my phone


Hey don't mind Kies text
She's far down the road of drunk

Oh lord
How many did she have?


And you?

Okay mom, I had three

Usually ur the one down
Will be home soon
Just make sure she's okay, k?

I will dw

And for the love of god please don't make a move on her

What does she tell you
Ofc not god I'm stupid but not that stupid

Just checking

I make my way back to the couch, her face lying on my shoulder.
"I'm trying so hard not to kiss you right noww"
Fuck. She doesn't mean that. No way. No w-
Lips that taste of beer, still soft, still my weakness, wishing she wasn't drunk right now
But she is
But she is
But she is.
I don't kiss back, a burning sensation in my mouth, wanting more, knowing it would be wrong if I kissed her. Her eyes meet up at mine, I still notice there beauty, even though they have tears ready to come out of them. She's crying, crying because of me. I feel like punching myself, knowing I did the right thing, but seeing someone you love cry, cry over anything, hurts. Especially when it's because of you. She doesn't say anything, the biting of her bottom lip says enough, the tears fall from her eyes, rolling down her cheek. My thumb wipes them away

"hey, don't cry, please?"
"I'm a fuckup"
The only thing that leaves her mouth, before she chews her bottom lip again
"no, no let's not go there"
"I didn't not want to kiss you. I just- I just don't want to take advantage of you, okay? Why don't you rest"
"I'm tired."
Her words aren't slurred, but I can still tell in her voice that she's had to much to drink. (guys I'm listening to my rnb playlist because I actually am tired of every single playlist)
"I'll be in there soon, go sleep"
"can you help me get to be-bed"
I hold out my hand, she reaches out and grabs it, walking to the back room. I fluff out the pillow before she lays on it
"Stay on your side, there's a garbage can below you. If you want anything I'm here, if you feel like vomiting, tell me, okay?"
Her head nods slightly, kissing the hand that was in mine still. Why did I do that? I walk out

Time skip

I hear small muffles, unable to hear what's being said. I don't know what day it is, or how long I had been sleeping. My memory feels fuzzy, only bits and pieces coming to mind, the strongest one being that I was drunk. I feel like absolute shit, head hurting, feeling sick to my stomach. I check my phone, what do you mean it's the next day. That has got to be wrong, right? 12:00 pm, I slept through almost an entire day, plus half of yesterday? What the fuck did I actually do? The door opens slightly
"You're awake"
Seeing his face makes me remember it all, I drunk kissed my best friend. Oh great, that's real smart Kie. Of course, I don't remember how it was like or anything, I question what it was like, wondering how his lips felt against mine. I shouldn't want to kiss him again, but I do, and the feeling overcomes every thought in my head, making it impossible to avoid. He walks too the bed, his appearance becoming more apparent, causing feelings to grow stronger.
"shut the fuck up and come here"
I pull his collar of the top, causing him to fall on top of me, my lips finding his. I have no idea what I'm doing, I don't even know if he's kissing back. He goes to part away, connecting us again. For what feels like decades, his lips move in sync. I pull us apart for air, but I then I melt into him again. I do this multiple times before he pulls apart
"are you still drunk?"
"No dumbass, Promise"
"since when do you make promises?"
"you can't say shit"
Smirk, something I just want to wipe off his face. He leans in again, this time becoming more intimate. His hands go to my waist, gripping it, pulling me In closer. Shortly after it becomes a makeout, biting and pulling on each others lips. I place one hand on his back, the other on his cheek, (OH MY GOD WHY DID IT SHOW UP WITH SOMETHING ELSE HELP. My keyboard is in the GUTTER) my nails dig into him, not wanting this too stop. The one hand moves down too the top of my shorts, keeping it there. My hand soon gets tired, moving it to his hair, playing with it. He picks me up, still not parting, placing me on his lap. This continues for a while before we both grow tired, pulling apart. Panting, he keeps me on his lap, both of us smiling uncontrollably.
"Holy shit, that was-"
"I was going to say hot, but yes, that too"
"You dork!"
"Can we like, do that more often"
"Oh yeah for sure"

Him (I can't remember if I was using her and him or her and his oh well ill edit later)
My hand creeps on too her bare stomach, feeling the crop top above my fingers
"I picked out this top for you"
"yeah, I know. I fell asleep in it"
"I like it on you"
"stop staring at me!"
"sorry, I just cannot get over how beautiful you look"
"I'm really nothing special"
"yes you are, you're special too me, and everyone else"
She grins, kissing my forehead
"oh, I took off you're makeup for you by the way"
"oh my god"
"don't worry about it"
"thank you jayj"
"you're welcome"

Melia/Serenity talks:
Omg the amount of times my fkin microsoft word closed on me during this is literally painful. I HATE THIS APP I miss writing on google docs so much but I have too many inspo drafts on there to delete them💔. I love you all so much and I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot as much as I loved writing it! Ily all and PEACE!

Chapter is edited

Word count: 2953

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