Chapter 1

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"They wouldn't have called me here if it wasn't important." Steve rasped, sitting across from Wanda where she was currently held. It was really then that she could see him. See just how much he had aged. Time had been relatively kind to him. He had opted for that future, and while the witch was glad he had known happiness in his long life, she couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy upon looking down at the gold band around the super soldier's finger. She and Natasha could have had that. What made them so unworthy of that fate?

"I didn't intend to hurt anyone," that much was true. Wanda truly had meant no harm. She just wanted Natasha back. And that was the only real way of doing so. Even if it wasn't. Wanda had a version of Natasha and a simulated life where they could live happily ever after. It just wouldn't have been the same without neighbours. Sure, Wanda had control over them, too, but no one was really harmed. "And I didn't want to be bothered."

The old man opposite didn't seem to like that. "The reason you're even here talking to me, and not held somewhere is because you eventually saved them from this other woman," he frowned relatively sternly. "With some persuasion, you're not going to be charged at all. I've managed to convince them you're not a threat, in return, you're to attend grief counselling." Wanda shifted mildly in her seat, her hard gaze faltering briefly. "We all miss her-"

"No," the witch cut him short. "No one knew her like I did. You don't miss her like I miss her. I lost more than her. I lost our future." The solider nodded quietly at Wanda's words, drawing in a breath to speak, but Wanda saw easily what he was going to say. "You don't get to tell me you know how it feels. You got your love, your 'happily ever after,' I won't get mine." Wanda was practically seething, and Steve still held remarkable de-escalating techniques.

"It isn't fair," he agreed easily with her. "But she wouldn't want this for you," raising a wrinkled, weak hand once he felt Wanda was going to interrupt. "We both know she would want the best for you." The witch's brows knitted with sorrow, the faintest twitch of her lips signalling the threat of tears, but Wanda's mind was already plotting.

"When you returned the Soul Stone, you didn't see her?" Wanda asked. They'd gone over this many times, but Steve was adamant. "Not even her body?" Just being able to bury Nat might have been the closure she needed. But that wasn't what she was after. Probing into Steve's mind, she could see the memory beginning to form in his mind's eye, allowing her access to the scenery he had experienced. Wanda could feel this memory was full of anxiety and sorrow, but she needed to see for herself.

Steve's brows furrowed, closing his eyes as he was made to experience the cold, unforgiving mountains of Vormir once again. Hiking up the mountain, coming face-to-face with his old foe, wisened by his years of solitude. "I didn't." He uttered, experiencing a dull throbbing in his head, though he suspected this was a result of the emotion that came with the memory.

Little did he realise it was caused directly by Wanda's probing. She stood within the memory, unseen, but taking in the surroundings. The memory went by quickly, but on what felt like the 12th replay, she saw it. The glimpse of red hair and the brief glint of light from the widow bites she wore around her wrists. The rest of her was shielded by a boulder, it seemed.

Wanda's eyes snapped open, the red energy fading from them in time for Steve to meet his gaze. "I would have brought her home," his voice cracked with emotion. Nat had been a good friend to him over the years. But this was exactly what Wanda needed. She nodded, standing from her chair to round the table before them, offering Steve her arm to aid him out of the chair. He was still able-bodied, sure, but she was sure his joints ached with age.

"I know," now she just needed him gone for her real work to begin. "Thank you, Steve." Her words were truly sincere. She had hope... A purpose once more. Wanda need only consult the Darkhold for further instruction and guidance on what could be done. She only hoped it wasn't too late. "Would you like me to help you home?" The old veteran shook his head with a kind smile.

"I can manage," once he was on his feet, he patted Wanda lightly on her upper arm. "Please attend the meetings, they help. And I'm still here if you need someone." His weathered blue eyes held Wanda for a few moments before embracing her. "Stay out of trouble."

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