Chapter 14

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Tony watched as the doctors injected the new identity into is son. His son he thought, finally he found a son, that look like it was made for him.

Peter had everything he looked in a suitable heir for him, he was perfect, just perfect.

In a blink of an eye the doctor was already putting a small Band-Aid covering the small wound.

"It's all done your majesty" the doctor said turning to him "you can take your son home" yes, my son he thought

As soon his son was unhooked from all the machines Tony went forward and lifted peter from the bed, holding the boy close to him. He smiled, in fact he couldn't stop smiling as he carried his new son to the car.

Happy was already inside with the car running, ready for their arrival.

"Let's go home, Happy" Tony said as he lay peter across his lap

"it's finally official then" his driver asked starting his journey.

"It finally is" the king agreed with a smile on his face

"I'm happy for you boss. He is perfect for you"

"he truly is" he said once again agreeing massaging his son curls

As they arrived at the palace despite multiple staff trying to take work off the king. Tony was the one that carried peter to his new room, the room that he had designed himself, the room that existed in Peter's dreams, but he made it real, all for his son, anything for his son.

He changed peter of the hospital clothes into a soft pyjama laying his son under the covers.

He had to force himself to leave the room knowing that when Peter woke up he would have a lot of work in front of him.

That night he slept better than he had in years

When Peter woke up he was scared, despite no one telling him he knew exactly where he was, there was only one place that he could be, the palace.

The door opened and Peter looked in the direction of the sound, Mr. Stark entered carrying a tray with him.

He didn't say anything as he watched the man approach the bed putting down the tray next to him.

"Good morning, Peter" the man said cheerfully "how do you feel?"

"What did you do" he asked with tears growing in his eyes

The man frown reaching forward putting his hand against his forehead "oh, kid, you have a fever" he said in a worried tone, acting like peter didn't even say a word

The man reached bringing the sheets closer to peter covering once again

"stop" he said swatting the man's hand away

"what's the matter Pete?" Mr. Stark asked clueless

"stop acting like this is normal" peter said furiously wincing at the pain in his throat

"this is normal, a father taking care of his sick son"

"you're not my father" peter said in a disgusted tone

Tony let out an exasperated breath "it's OK, son." he said patting Peter's knee through the bedsheets "you're still confused, you'll get it in time"

Peter looked at the man shocked, he thought that Mr. Stark would be furious and yell at him, or even hit him for that comment, but he did nothing, he just brushed it aside

"right now let's focus on you getting better" Mr. Stark said grabbing the tray and putting on Peter's lap "we have all the good stuff for you to get better, so be sure to eat"

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