Chapter 8

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Peter slowly entered the lab. He was speechless, never in is life he had expected to see a place as advanced as this, Peter couldn't even imagine the variety of things that could be invented in this place.

"This, kid, is my sanctuary" Mr. Stark broke the silence gesturing to the large room, "so I expect you to respect it. Of course, if you're going to work here, I have some rules to establish".

"Work here?" Peter interrupted. He expected Mr. Stark to just show him the lab, not allowed him to work in it.

"I figured you're sick of reading books. We need something more stimulating for that brain of yours. So, I think it's time to put in practice what you've been reading"

Peter could only nod vigorously in agreement, not even breaking the gaze with all the tools that Peter never seen in his life

"Come on, Pete, you can't do anything just standing there" Mr. Stark exclaimed, pushing him gently to stand near the worktable.

"Mr. Stark, this is.... Whoa!" Peter didn't even know what to say.

"I know, I built it myself" the king said showing him around the lab, stopping in front of a worktable

"Alright kind, since you aren't used to this kind of tools, we will start with you helping me out, and then we can move you to do your own little project. How does that sound?"

"That sounds amazing, Mr. Stark" Peter excitedly responded.

"Great, put your safety goggles and let's get started then" the king said passing him some goggles for him to put on, but not putting one himself, before starting to explain what he was working on.

Peter was amazed by the majestic of Mr. Stark work. With his explanation, it almost seemed easy the theory behind the technology, and Peter couldn't help but notice that all that Mr. Stark was doing he had already read in the books that were assigned to him.

He was fully into what Mr. Stark was doing and explaining that the world seemed to stop around him, he forgot all his worries all his homesickness, he didn't even feel the time passing.

Their bubble burst when in a middle of an explanation when connecting two wires a small spark went on

"that's ok, we just need to-" Mr. Stark was interrupted when a sea off white foam covered both of them from head to toe. "Dumb-E, What the hell!" tony yelled wiping his eyes looking at a robot arm holding a fire extinguisher

"See, Kid, that's why you wear safety googles, because this shit burns. Now, allow me to introduce you to Dumb-E, my robot that will go to the garbage if he does this one more time."  the king said the last part quietly looking at the robot, making the machine emit some sad noises

"Mr. Stark, don't say that you'll hurt his feelings" Peter said, regretting the same moment he blurted out the words.

Instead of being mad, the king laughed at him "kid, he doesn't have feelings, he's just a piece of junk" he said ruffling his hair, that immediately made him raise his arms to fix it

With that statement Dumb-E made some more sad chirping noises making peter point at the robot "see, he's sad"

"sure, kid you win" the king laughed before looking at his clock "shit, it's already 8, I made you miss lunch"

"Mr. Stark, it's ok, I'm not even hungry." and it was true, when he was home, he could go days without eating so missing one meal it wasn't a big of a deal, but that wasn't what Mr. Stark thought.

"It's not ok, Peter, I'm responsible for you. And you're still healing I don't want you to relapse" he explained" so this is what we are going to do, you're going to take a shower to clean all that foam, and I will order some food. It's too late for me to send you back".

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