A Night Out

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We ask for a table for eight when we arrive at the pizza restaurant. The waiter guides us to a long table with a bench and 4 seats. 

"The bench is for the girls," Lia says, as she sits down and makes herself comfortable. "What? Since when is that a rule?" Jure laughs.

"It has always been a rule," Nace says. At least he gets it. 

Jan refuses to leave Alayna's side, so he sits down as our 4th member on the bench. 

"Wow, when's the wedding?" Bojan jokingly asks them, to which Jan answers by kicking Bojans shin under the table. "Ha, ha. At least I'll HAVE a wedding," he says. We have kind of been bullying Bojan a bit with how incredibly single he is, and has been for a while, but he says he doesn't mind.

Kris takes place on the opposite side of the table from me. 

We all order some alcohol, mostly beer. But I just cannot handle beer and pizza together, I swear, the last time I tried it my stomach almost exploded. So I just order a white wine. 

We have the best time all talking to each other once again, and this time luckily, we're not interrupted by someones ex-girlfriend. 

@sophiamullerr 's story

@sophiamullerr 's story

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It's 12AM when we realise we're the last ones left at the restaurant, and the owner basically throws us out, even after spending a whole bunch of money AND leaving a generous tip. But I get it, we've been a bit loud from all the alcohol.

So, what do we decide to do? Drink even more!

Alayna leads us to a new club.

"Do they have karaoke here too? I kind of missed my chance last night," Bojan says, while we're standing in line. 

"Unfortunately no, but I think we've heard you sing more than enough already," Lia jokes. "What do you mean WE, you weren't even at the concert," Jure pretends to be hurt over it.

London Boy (Joker Out fanfic/Kris Guštin)Where stories live. Discover now