The Meetup

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I quickly look over to the place where they were standing, but they're gone now.. I panic and look across the bridge, and there they are, walking to the nearest tube station. And so I run! I have no idea if it's even them or if my eyes are just betraying me because I've been thinking about them so much lately. I have no idea what I'm going to say to them, I have no idea if I'll be bothering them, I have no idea if I even want to meet them like this. 

I'm wearing a grey, knit skirt, a tank top and a black jacket with a ketchup stain in it. I normally wouldn't mind but WHY did I decide to wear this TODAY? My hair is up in a messy bun, that is getting messier during my sprint over to the guys, and before I know it I'm about 5 metres away from them. I slow down, get myself together and manage to say: 

"Hey!" which might have sounded way too aggressive but it makes them turn around to face me. Bojan smiles. "Hi!" he says and looks over to his band mates. I am in very bad shape, I must admit, so I'm not even thinking about what to say to them anymore, just trying to figure out how to breathe properly. 

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but I love your band! I saw you guys and I just had to come up to you and tell you," I pant. "You're not bothering us at all! We always love to meet a fan. Are you okay?" Bojan asks as he puts his hand on my shoulder. I look up to him. My celebrity crush, standing right in front of me, making eye contact. This might just be the best moment of my life, wow, he was just beautiful in real life. 

They look worried, probably because I look like a lunatic right now. I'm so embarrassed. "Yeah, I'm fine, I don't run that often," I cough. The guys laugh. "What's your name?" asks Bojan. "It's Sophia," I say. 

"That's a beautiful name," Bojan smiles at me. For a second I thought he was flirting with me, but then I realise I'm delusional as hell so I just thank him quickly. Nace points at my tote bag, which has the Joker Out logo and their instruments on it. I painted it myself. "That's amazing! Did you make it?" he asks. I nod. 

"The bags on your website are always sold out, so I kind of had to."  I laugh. "Well, we will have a merch suitcase with us at the show tomorrow, in case you want a new one. Are you coming?" Kris asks. This is honestly the first time since I ran up to the guys that I actually realise he's here, because he is so tall and most of my focus had been on Nace and especially Bojan, who still has his hand on my shoulder.

I look him in his eyes while we smile at each other. Suddenly I feel like I can't move, I can't speak. I'd never looked at Kris this way. His eyes are enchanting and I can't help but feel some weird sort of connection between us, from the moment we made eye contact. Time seems to slow down. 

"Uhh, yes! Yeah, I- I'm coming tomorrow! Of course. I would love to have more merch so I'll definitely check it out." I answer. I feel my face turning even redder than it already is. "Were you guys on your way to the tube?" I continue, facing away from Kris to calm myself down. "Yes, we need to get to our hotel in Camden but we're not good with metro's," Nace nervously admits. Kris and Bojan laugh. 

"Nope, we're not. We have only been in London for a couple of hours and we already missed 5 trains and got on the wrong train 2 times." Bojan says. "What? No way! The tube system in London is super easy, how can you get that wrong?"  he shrugs. I think for a second. Am I really going to say this? Am I really going to offer them my help? I kind of have to... I'm going the exact same way and I wouldn't want them to get lost. 

"I could help you guys, if you want. I live in Camden so I'm headed that way anyway. Where exactly is your hotel?" I ask. Bojan gets out his phone and shows me. "Thank you, we could definitely use your help," the hotel is just around the corner from the venue where they're playing, which is about 400 metres from where I live. 

"Alright, shall we?" I ask, pointing at the tube station. Bojan looks at Kris and Nace, and then says: "Yeah! Let's go," and smiles.

London Boy (Joker Out fanfic/Kris Guštin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora