The Tube

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On our way down to the tube to Camden me and the boys talk constantly. I never could have dreamed that this would happen, but it did, and I'm so happy I decided to run over to them. Kris has been mostly quiet throughout the conversation, but I always figured he was quieter than the other boys. 

Nace was telling me that Jan and Jure were in Camden already. All five of the boys had been exploring London since they arrived that morning. They had been to a couple of bars that afternoon, and Jure wasn't feeling too well so he and Jan headed to the hotel room, which is why they weren't with them, obviously. 

"He probably had too much to drink," we all laugh. Kris, Nace and Bojan had taken the wrong tube and ended up on the other side of the city, near Bermondsey. I couldn't believe we had been that close to each other the whole evening! They went to a restaurant there and were now heading back to Jan and Jure, who was feeling much better. Bojan told me they were going to go to a bar together.

The doors of the tube open and we step in. It's much busier tonight than it usually is on a Tuesday. We spot a couple of open seats next to each other. People start sitting down around us and I'm the last one to arrive at the seats. The only place that's left is the one next to Kris. For a second I think about just standing and letting someone else take the seat. The energy between us was just so.. intense. And it made me extremely nervous. But I didn't want to stand all the way, and he is still one of my favourite people in the world so I should just stop being so weird! 

Just as I wanted to sit down, the tube started moving. It startled me and I started to fall over. Thankfully, Kris noticed and quickly grabs me by the waist to sit me down.  He's stronger than I imagined, and since I was already standing pretty close to him when I fell, I get pulled up against him, and almost fall onto his lap. I stabilise myself and sit down properly. He still has his hand on my back, and quickly takes it away. My heart is racing. Nace and Bojan noticed, of course. "Are you okay?" Bojan asks. "Yes... yes. I'm good," I manage to smile. He smiles back and he and Nace continue their conversation. Before I get to say anything to Kris he starts to apologise? 

"I'm so sorry for grabbing you like that, you were falling over and I didn't know what to do but it was a bit rough.. are you okay?" he looked genuinely concerned that he did something wrong, as if he thought that he'd hurt me. But he kind of did the opposite. "What? Of course I'm okay! You saved my ass, I was about to fall on that disgusting floor!" I laugh, as I point to the sticky mess that's under our feet. He laughs, relieved. "Are you sure it's okay?" I nod. 

After my almost-accident, we start talking. We talk, and talk, and talk. About life, about their music, the gig tomorrow, our siblings. We have so much in common. We both play the guitar, we are both half Dutch, my father is Dutch and his mom is. Except his Dutch is way better than mine, I know almost none. We both have siblings who sometimes annoy the hell out of us, but at the same time they're our biggest supporters. 

I relate to a lot of things he tells me, which makes me feel seen. The tube ride was not nearly long enough. We arrived at the station in about 25 minutes, they really flew by. 

We step outside. "Thank you so much, Sophia, for taking us here. We really needed the help," Nace says. "Of course! You're welcome," Kris is still standing right next to me. "We're going to go to the hotel now and change really quick. You can still meet us in the bar if you want? To have a drink or two?" Bojan asks me. Kris and Nace nod. 

The offer is really tempting, but I can't help but think that he's just asking this to be nice to me. I look at the missed calls from my sister on my phone. Alayna's boyfriend broke up with her yesterday, so I promised I wouldn't be gone too long. We were going to watch a movie and I told her she could vent to me if she wanted. I was already 30 minutes late. 

"I would love to, but I kind of promised my sister I would be there for her, because she's going through a breakup right now," I say, while having no idea why I'm sharing this personal detail with three guys I had only just met. "So I'm afraid I can't. I'll see you guys tomorrow at the gig though! If you'll remember me," I laugh. "Of course we'll remember you," Kris says. He sounds disappointed though. 

"Yes, we'll see you tomorrow!" Bojan says. I hug each of the guys goodbye and head home. I look back to find Kris staring at me, which makes me unintentionally speed up. Blushing hard, I turn the corner and walk towards my house. I can't believe I actually met them! Now I'll have a great story to cheer Alayna up when I get home.

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