MMI Basics

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"Mother May I" is a game that everyone in the country has to play, nobody knows how the game started but people speculate that the government started it as a form of population control.

Nobody knows how the game is started or how the game is finished. But when you reach around the age of 8.. mother appears. A strange female voice coming from seemingly nowhere, the voice explains to you that you no longer have control of your life. Anything you want to do you have to ask for "mother's" permission. With a simple "mother May I?" question, you can get permission to do the most simple things. Such as... "Mother May I drink this water?" Or "mother May I go to bed?"
Mother will then reply with "you may" or "you may not" followed by a "you may do ___ instead" and you must do it.

Not following Mother's rules as in not asking "mother May I" or doing something even if she said you could not, will result in instant death. Nobody knows how or why the game started and nobody knows how to finish it.

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