Chapter 67: Life in Prison

Start from the beginning

Sokka threw his arm around Zuko's shoulders. "Don't worry, Nai, me and His Highn-ass here go way back."

"Personal space, Lee," said Zuko through gritted teeth as he crossed his arms. "Or I will let Nai lock you up."

"Yep," continued Sokka, ignoring Zuko's threat. "I remember when Prince Pissy was even pissier than he is now with all his I must get the Avatar to restore my honor...," he said in a deep dramatic voice, waving a fist in the air.

"Okay, Nai," said Zuko. "I think he needs a time out..."

Just then, the bells rang for shift change.

"Ooh, ooh, time to see Suki," said Sokka excitedly, pulling away from Zuko.

Zuko looked at Dako and Zomi. "If he doesn't return, just assume he's serving time."

"Let's go, let's go," said Sokka who had already started walking off. "She's in the first sector."

Dako and Zomi gave Zuko a slight bow before he and Nai turned to follow Sokka.

They crossed over to the other sector of the prison and continued following him to the prisoners' cells.

Just as he was about to enter Suki's cell, Zuko grabbed his arm. "A word of advice: take off your helmet as soon as you're in the room," he said rubbing his own chest where Chiara had pushed him.

Sokka nodded, and Nai and Zuko waited outside while he walked into the cell.

"Your friend is really weird," said Nai.

"And annoying," said Zuko with a slight smirk.

Inside her room Suki was lying on her cot. She was not pleased to see a guard enter, and she sat up wondering why anyone would be entering her cell after lockdown.

"What is it?" she asked. "Did I do something wrong?"

"You mean you don't recognize me?" asked Sokka crossing his arms.

She looked away repulsed by the Fire Nation guard. "You people all look the same to me."

"Oh? Then maybe you'll recognize this..."

He approached her with his lips puckered. Disgusted by his intentions, she grabbed him and punched him away from her sending him hard against the door where he dropped to the floor.

"Should we go in there?" Nai asked Zuko as they heard him slam into the door.

"Nah. I'm sure he's okay." Zuko was laughing to himself.

As Sokka's helmet fell off, Suki took in his young face and blue eyes immediately recognizing him.

"Sokka! It's you!"

She ran and threw herself down on the floor grabbing hold of him to hug him as tears fell from her eyes, Sokka embracing her in return.

"The other Kyoshi Warriors," he said as they stood up, "are they here?"

"No. I don't know where they are. They locked me in here because I'm the leader."

"Well, you won't be here for long. I'm busting you out."

"Why are you even here?" she asked.

"We came to rescue Chiara."


"Zuko's wife. You know, Prince of the Fire Nation."

"And you're-you're helping him?"

"He joined our side. He's Aang's firebending teacher."

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