Bonus Chapter: Birthday Special

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A/N: It is with great honour and pleasure that I hereby my first ever YouTube video published. I hope you enjoy! This is only a small introduction video but there are many more to come. In the meantime, enjoy this bonus chapter. I thought since it's my birthday, why not write a birthday special. Enjoy!

P.S: This A/N was written after the one at the end.



"Oof!" The air was suck out of my body as Alex's gigantic body crushed me. What a wonderful way to wake up!

"Thank you little bro. Now can you please get this heavy quilt off me."

"No fair. I can't even scold you."

"I'm gonna love this day." I smirked evilly.

"I'll make you sure of it."

I ruffled his hair up.

"Thanks little bro."

He tried so hard not to scream. He hates and I mean HATES when someone touches his hair.

"I love you." I blew him a kiss.

"Love you too," he replied with the fakest sweetest smile.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have a full day of courses tomorrow and it's midnight. I need my beauty sleep."

"As if it will... Of course. Have a great rest."

I actually miss the sarcastic remarks. It feels superficial.

He was about to close my door when I called out.

"Don't hold back on the insults. I like the annoying, sarcastic brother. This kind person does not suit you."

"Don't worry. This was only going to last a few minutes. See you later ant."

"There he is!"

"Good night sis!"


He closed the door and I settled back into my bed. I started drifting off peacefully into dreamland, "BANG!"


I should've known.

He was holding a chocolate birthday cake with a candle at the top. Although he completely made any sleepiness I had slip away, I was happy he organised this. It reminds me when I was still at the orphanage. We always celebrated our birthdays together but I remember this one time Gray prepared something special.


It was 11.55 on the 14th and I was waiting for the clock to strike twelve. Tomorrow would be the only day I could say I'm turning 15 on the 15th. I waited patiently as the minute hand took forever to complete the last 5 minutes. Finally the clock struck twelve. "Happy birthday," I thought to myself.

I heard a whisper and turned around curiously. There he was a chocolate muffin in hand. Once he saw I was awake he grinned brightly. He tiptoed to make sure not to wake the girls up.

"Happy birthday Belle," he whispered before kissing me lightly on the cheek. I turned beet red and I hoped he would not notice my flaming cheeks in the dark room.

He held the cupcake close to me and I sent him a shy smile.

"Thank you." Come on! Get a grip, Isa! It's fine. It's just Gray. The guy you can't stand.

"Go ahead. You can eat it."

I looked at the muffin then back at him. I sighed internally. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I broke it in half and handed it to him.

"Let's share."

His eyes widened.

What were you thinking? Everyone knows you don't share muffins! That too chocolate muffins!

I think someone has a crush!

Shut up brain. It's just a muffin.

Sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night.

"Tha- Thank you," he stuttered cutely. Oh my God! What am I thinking?

You are in love. True love.


"I got you something." I halted mid bite.

He handed me a small bag.

"It's not much and I wasn't very sure what to get you. If you don't like it, I totally understand. I can take it back or you can throw it or give it to someone else. I would get it..."

I peeked into the bag while he kept rambling nervously.

Look at that you got Mr. Confident nervous. I guess you're not the only one with a crush.

I did not even bother to stop either Gray or that little voice in my brain. I was still awestruck by the contents of the bag.

It was a diary but not any diary. He had drawn a portrait of me reading a book under the tree on the cover and me with my guitar on the back. I did not think twice before hugging him tight. He froze for a second before hesitantly hugging me back.

"I noticed your first diary was nearly over so I thought you might need a new one for your awesome songs."

Am I dreaming or did he just compliment me for the first time?

"Thank you so much. It's beautiful. When did you get the time to draw and paint this?"

I pulled back from the hug and noticed a slight shade of pink coating his cheeks.

He's not the only one.

"When I had time here and there. You spend most of your time there so it was pretty easy to picture you sitting there even when you were not."

Oh he's day dreaming about you now.

Will you stop?

"Thank you. It's really gorgeous. I can't wait to write a song in it."

He smiled.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"I love it."

Like you love him?

God, you're annoying.

A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you all doing well. Today is my birthday, so birthday special! I might also release my first YouTube video. My exams recently ended and I'm finally on holiday. Although I have tuition everyday, there may be more regular updates and I will try to make as many video as possible then I will post them gradually. You can ask me any question you would like answered and I'll try my best to answer them. I hope you enjoyed this cute little chapter. Thank you for reading and all the support as always. Until next time have a great day/night.

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