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"Let's get married when we grow up."

"What?" I asked sitting up.

Both of us were laying down on the rooftop, staring at the stars when he blurted this out. He propped himself up on his elbows and stared at me expectantly.

"Have you gone crazy?"

"Crazy for you."

"That's a big no. You know I don't do cheesy."

"But you love my cheesiness."

"You wish."

"Very much."

I rolled my eyes at him and laid back down. I was actually considering saying yes.


"Sooooo what?"

"Will you marry me?" I glared at him.

"What kind of proposal is this?"

"I mean in the future, of course. Come on bear with me. I didn't have time to prepare a ring and flowers."

"I can buy myself flowers."

"Not you too!"

I shrugged.

"Stop changing the subject anyway. I don't want to pressure you but I really like you and I want to spend my life with you."

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Where is this even coming from?"

"My heart," he replied grinning.

"Will you stop?"


I won't lie, I do like his cheesiness. I also like him very much if not the 'l' word but will we be able to stay that long.

"What if we get adopted?"

I saw his eyes dim a little. He's hiding something from me.

"What are you hiding, Ray?"


"Don't 'nothing' me? I can tell you're not telling me everything."

He sighed.

"Sara told me there's a chance I might get adopted soon."

"What? Really?"

He nodded. My heart broke a little but I still gave him my best smile.

"That's great. You'll finally have a family."

"But you're my family."

I shook my head and grabbed his hand gently.

"We're more than family. We're connected from here," I said, intertwining our hands and bringing it to my heart. "Wherever you are, I'll feel your presence."

He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I don't want to lose you," he whispered.

"You won't ever lose me."

"I'll always come back to you. No matter how far you go, I'll find you. I'll fly across the world for you."



We locked pinkies and smile at each other. I could feel his breath fanning over my face. I leaned closer, staring into his eyes. We inched closer before our lips eventually met. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his plump lips against mine, moving in sync. It was not like what I read in books. It was beyond that. It was perfect.

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