Chapter 57 - January 14th, 2006

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Paul snuggles against Thomas as Ophelia picks a movie to watch. 'Oh! Finding Nemo!' Ophelia says and puts the disc in the DVD-player. She takes a seat next to her father who wraps his arms around his two favourite people. 'Papa, is there some popcorn?' Ophelia asks Paul as she wraps a blanket around the three of them. 'O, it's still morning, too early for popcorn,' Thomas says. Ophelia makes a disappointed sound as Paul presses play.

After the movie ends, the phone rings. 'I'll get it!' Ophelia says and jumps up. Paul and Thomas share a look. After a few minutes Ophelia comes back. 'Owen called and asked if I wanted to go over and play with his new Legos he got for his birthday last week,' Ophelia says. 'Sure, but be home before dinner,' Paul says and smiles at his daughter. 'Thank you!' Ophelia says and goes to her room to change in some other clothing.

'She's eight Paul, she doesn't need a boyfriend,' Thomas says a little annoyed. 'Tom, they have been friends since they were two,' Paul says. 'So were we,' Thomas says silently. 'Tom, she's eight and going to her best friend who lives two stories above us, relax,' Paul says and kisses Tom's cheek. 'Bye,' Ophelia says as she walks out of her room to the apartment door. 'Bye!' Paul shouts back.

Thomas kisses Paul's forehead. 'How will she react when we move to a house, and she won't live in the same building as her best friend anymore?' Thomas asks. 'We need to tell her someday,' Paul says. They are silent for a moment. 'I don't want to think about that now,' Paul sighs. They snuggle for a while until the phone rings again. 'Oh, man, I am too comfy,' Thomas sighs and looks at the phone hanging on the wall. 'Me too,' Paul says. When the phone stops ringing, they get comfortable again.

But then the phone rings again. 'Okay, we both get up,' Paul then says and stands up. And then pulls Thomas up. 'Fine,' Thomas says as they walk to the phone. Thomas picks up. 'Thomas Hanlin.' 'Hi, Thomas. This is Jenny Li, Owen's mom,' the woman says friendly on the phone. 'Hi, is everything alright with Ophelia?' Paul starts listening too when Ophelia's name is mentioned.

'Everything is alright! I just wanted to ask if Ophelia is allowed to eat dinner with us? She can stay over to tonight if you and Paul want to have a night with just the two of you,' Jenny says. Paul nods. 'She can stay for dinner and stay over. Thank you, Jenny,' Thomas says and smiles. 'Wonderful! I'll bring her back tomorrow before lunch!' Jenny says with a big smile. 'Okay, thanks, bye,' Thomas says. They hang up the phone. 'She's definitely an ally,' Paul chuckles. 'She is,' Thomas smiles and hugs his fiancé.

'So where do you want to go tonight?' Thomas asks. 'How about we stay here?' Paul says kissing the man he loves. 'Oh, wow, you're not even being subtle,' Thomas chuckles as he kisses Paul. 'Well, you're a very literal person,' Paul says between the kisses as he guides Tom to the bedroom. 'True.' 

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