Seeing that, Michael frowned. "What?"

"So ... Michael." Henry paused for a moment, he seemed hesitant to continue. "The agency contacted me while you were asleep, there were several scientists who survived the explosion and they're trying to catch the rest ..."

Michael's shoulders tensed, his eyes fixed on Henry alone.

"... their co-leader is in the hospital, though."

His eyes widened, he then stared at Ennard—had Ennard been informed beforehand? Seeing Ennard as if reading his thoughts and nodding, it seemed to be true. However, what stunned him even more was what Ennard told him afterwards;

"Clark is their co-leader."


What Henry was trying to tell him in the basement was the agency they were working with told them to come to the hospital. Henry said that they would discuss what they should do with the remaining scientists, especially those in charge. Some of the people who have been arrested, they never tell who they work for, so this was quite a big issue because it turned out that they didn't consist of just one laboratory, but were spread out in other locations.

He and Ennard briefly run into Thomas at the hospital, when Henry was talking in a more private room with a woman—apparently the head of the agency. Thomas said nothing but walked into the room and then came out again with the parchment in his hand. He could see the guilt on Thomas' face as they locked eyes.

"Is he going to be okay?" Michael said concernedly while looking at where Thomas had gone.

"I just heard he just got a new mission," Ennard said calmly. "They said they would contact the authorities about this and look into it—oh their leader just told Emily that he doesn't have to worry about us? She said she can provide protection to us from other people who could hunt us like those scientists, officially we are now an important country secret. Great."

Michael looked at the man with a sweatdrop. "You used Ballora's ability to eavesdrop?"

Ennard just shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Multifunction."

He only replied with an amused smile to hear that, then he exhaled slowly. It felt very strange to come to the hospital, the place now reminded him of his brother and Lucy as well. His chest tightened again, he still couldn't believe it—they couldn't save Lucy. The only friend he had, who he didn't intend to get dragged into his troubles with those scientists. Lucy gave her life just for him, and he ...


Michael was surprised when Ennard pulled his cheek, making him realize he was about to cry again. "Don't blame yourself," Ennard said quietly to him. "Dawson was a good person, I miss her and feel lost too. However, prolonged sadness will not bring her back."

"But ...." Michael bit his lower lip, his fingers began to shake again—Ennard took his hand and tried to calm the trembling of his fingers by holding them.

"Dawson said to get on with your life, continue it, so do it."

Michael frowned deeply, trying to keep himself from sobbing again. He also glanced at Ennard, his feelings warmed to find Ennard smiling at him. The sincere smile he had never seen from Ennard. "Will you be in my side?"

"Always, Michael."

Hearing it, he felt calmer. He hugged Ennard tightly for a few moments, then released him and smiled at Ennard while ignoring the strange looks from the people around them. "Thank you, Enn."

Ennard just nodded, then raised an eyebrow when he saw him suddenly stood up. "Where are you going?"

"Bathroom," Michael replied. "I want to wash my face."

"Oh, come back soon."

Michael waved his hand as if to say he understood and headed to the bathroom. He wanted to wash his face to freshen up his feelings even more. At least what Ennard said made him happy, he smiled back at the words. He walked into the bathroom and stepped over to the sink, turned on the faucet and splashed water over his face after removing his eyepatch.

After that he rinsed his hands. His eyes glanced at the bathroom door to check if someone would come in or not considering he was alone. He quickly turned off the faucet and walked out to avoid any possibility—it would be even worse if he ran into his old friend here instead.

He walked through an empty hospital corridor, the bathroom was quite far from where he was and Ennard just now, it took him a dozen minutes to return. Michael took a deep breath, his mind drifting back to Lucy. In his heart he was thanking the girl's sacrifice and her good intention, at the same time he still felt guilty. When Henry said they needed to go to the hospital, he initially thought they would see Clark how she was doing ... luckily not. Though anger still sparked in his heart remembering that.

At first, he was grateful, they didn't need to see Clark's condition because the agency itself would handle it.

However, it seemed that circumstances wanted him to meet Clark.

Through a crack in one of the open patient room doors, he could see her lying in bed with breathing apparatus on.

He stopped walking.


He rinsed his hands calmly, a faint smile appeared on his face, then he chuckled softly—feeling tickled by fate. The sound of the door opened, a man came in as his eyes squinted. The man he knew, looked at him in concern.

"Michael ... where have you been?"

"Since earlier I'm in the bathroom, what's wrong, Uncle?"

"Clark," Henry paused for a moment, he stared at Michael doubtfully, "she's dead."


"Five stabs, someone killed her."

Michael raised his eyebrows, he turned and looked at Henry while tilting his head. "Did you ... think I killed her?"

"Certainly not!" the man immediately rebutted. "I just want you to know about it."

His smile was back on his face. "Thank you for telling me." He stepped closer to Henry and stopped in front of him, Henry just nodded slowly at him. Michael still kept his smile from widening. "It's a shame you couldn't investigate further. My condolences for her family."

Then Michael left, leaving Henry alone. Henry who felt the hairs on his neck stood up looked into Michael's blank blue eye.

The same goosebump he felt when he stared at William's eyes that day.

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