Chapter 18~ Drama

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I was in the middle of a huge debate, do I leave River alone and wait until we get home, or do I pull him aside and talk to him right now.
God I must look like a fucking idiot just standing here not even being in the conversation that's being held in front of me right now.

"Fuck it, just let him be until we get home" I finally decided and went to walk away from a now distracted River.

"Y/n come dance!" Wyatt cheerfully hopped over to me, dancing along to the music Josh had put on for the get together. I awkwardly smiled at him, embarrassed about the thought of dancing in front of so many people. Well thank fuck I've been drinking, cause alcohol helps ease my social anxiety. I chose to push away any embarrassment I was feeling about Wyatt's offer and happily took his hand. We began dancing like drunk teenage girls to the song 'Hollaback Girl' I can't lie Wyatt was really helping ease my overthinking about River. I just can't seem to understand River's shift in energy tonight. Maybe I really am just overthinking it and it's nothing. I really need to stop. I quicky shook my head and drew my attention back to Wyatt's dancing. We laughed together as he continued to help me dance along to the song, I could already see Ryan recording us in the corner of my eye but I didn't care.

"Wooo go y/n!" Seth cheered out to me while still seated with the boys. I took a quick glimpse over Wyatt's shoulder and looked at Seth, giving him a appreciative smile then going back to dancing. I could only assume that Seth's loud encoring was the cause of everyone's attention to now be drawn on Wyatt and I. I embraced all of the entertained laughter that was now being created by mine and Wyatt's dancing. As Wyatt gently grabbed both of my hands and started drunkenly going around in circles with me I could see River attentively watching me from a far each time he came into my view while spinning. I felt my gut and heart drop at the same time as I saw him, I had no idea why. Maybe it was just because I was afraid that he might of been mad at me for some reason, due to his drastic change in mood.
Y/n for god sakes why are you worrying about this so much? Once again I shook the unwanted feelings away a tried to keep my focus on the dancing, and not River.
Once the song had finished Wyatt drunkenly thanked me for joining him while giving me a surprisingly tight hug.

"No problem Wyatt, now please let go before you squeeze me to death" I sarcastically joke breathlessly.

"Oh shit sorry" he immediately let go of me and checked if I was alright. Good old Wyatt, always looking out for us. I truly admired him for that.

"It's fine I'm fine" I giggled while trying to reassure him of his unintentional actions.

"I think... I need to go to bed" Wyatt started slurring his words, he was very clearly passed his limit.

"I think that's a good idea Wy, do you want me to let Ryan know?" I slightly tilted my heard in curiosity waiting to see what Wyatt really wanted to do. He sluggishly nodded his head yes in response, I could tell he was exhausted as all hell so I didn't hesitate to make my way over to Ryan. As I urgently made my way over to Ryan who was sitting with the rest of the guy's he looked up at me as I was approaching him like he could sense me coming or something.

"What's up y/n?" He looked up at me with a intoxicated smile as I stood Infront of him.

"I don't mean to be a party pooper or anything but I think we should go soon, Wyatt's clearly not looking too good" I shyly explained as I point in the direction where Wyatt was standing.

"Or you know I could just call a Uber for him and I and you guys can stay a little longer, I don't want to ruin your one night off" I quickly offered, afraid of getting him annoyed in any way. I watched as his smile slowly turned into a serious look.

"Don't worry about that y/n, let's get Wyatt home" Ryan ordered and got out of his seat to grab Wyatt. I watched in relief as he put his arm around Wyatt's shoulder and helped him walk more steady towards us.

𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔 𝑿 𝒀/𝑵 (𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍)Where stories live. Discover now