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Arius Organization is an organization who works for the government, those people are the one who did dangerous and illegal work from them.

The government doesn't have any clue who's the member of the organization, and because they are doing illegal deeds to help the government once they got caught, no choice but to put them in jail.

But the member of Arius never got caught. They're an organization who were train to develope their skills and strength.

Little did they know Arius Organization was not safe at all. If they were the people who kills bad people to help the government, there are an organization who also hunts them for killing their member.

They are the Orion Organization, and like the Arius they were trained to develope their skills and strength to find the Arius because they work for a different deeds

All Arius members need to do is find the mastermind of the Orion Organization to stop the bullshits around them

Arius Series: Cassius AstraWhere stories live. Discover now