Recently, Jeff realized he hasnt seen Mile as often. They used to meet up almost everyday for guitar and singing practice but Mile has disappeared. He is curious about his friend because he knows Mile isnt the most friendly person on Earth. What or who has the power to distract the one and only Mile Phakphum Romsaithong away from his guitars. Because of that, Jeff decides to become a menace.

Jeff shows up unannounced at Mile's classroom after school. He peeks through the window at the end trying to see if Mile is inside. And there he is. Mile Phakphum is doing homework, happily with his table mate. Jeff lets out a small chuckle but quickly covers his mouth. He stands up, fixes his wavy hair then makes a grand entrance into the classroom.

"Well well, since when Mile Phakphum becomes a book worm." To be more dramatic, Jeff decides to clap.

"Shut up. What do you want?" Mile doesnt even bother to look at Jeff's antic.

"Hi Jeff, he was helping me with physic". Apo smiles at Jeff.

"Ohhh, helpful classmate huh?" Jeff sits back ward at the table in front of them. "I have an idea, ho-"

"Don't." Mile cuts off.

"How about you join us at our gig tonight? We will perform at an acoustic coffee shop" Jeff gives him a quick glance and ignore him.

"I didnt know you guys do music together. I want to join but i have to check with my mom first. How about i'll get back to you later"

"There are a lot to discover from khun Phakphum, young child."

"You guys are the same age and technically, i am older."

"Who cares. See you tonight, Po. I will dm you the address." Jeff stands up and leaves after a wink.

"I didnt know you guys are that close." Mile asks.

"I talked with him for one time only asking him for your number. But Jeff seems really friendly and funny." Apo giggle.

"You should be the same. Loosen up Mile." Apo slightly pushes Mile's shoulder by his shoulder. "Let's go home."

"Will you come tonight?"

"I'll try and text you."


Apo is welcome back home with a nice smell of vegie soup he loves. His mom is busy cooking in the kitchen, dad is watching the news in the living room. He walks straight to the coach and greets his dad then runs to the kitchen to back hug his mom. She smiles at him, gently strokes his hair, tells him to go up stair to freshen up then come down for dinner. He pecks her on the cheek then goes up stair to shower.

When dinner is almost over, Apo gathers his courage to ask for permission to meet up with his new friends.

"Can I go out with my friends tonight? We will meet at a coffee shop."

"Who? The football team boys" His dad asks.

"Their names are Mile Phakphum and Jeff Satur. They are my new friends."

"You didnt tell me you are friend with the Romsaithong boy".

"I don't think it's important."

"Fine. You can go. But don't come back too late". His dad says.

"Go out and have some fun, Po. You've been working really hard at school." His mom smiles at him.

"Thank you, mom and dad. I'll be back soon."
Apo gets up to clean the table, brings all the dishes to the kitchen. As he starts to clean them, his mom comes in and tells him to leave them, she'll take care of the dishes today. He kisses her on the cheek again and quickly text Mile to inform he'll be at the shop soon.

The coffee shop is 30 minutes from his house. Making sure he won't be late, Apo takes a Grab Bike. Grab drops him off in front of a vintage looking coffee shop. Old European architect with rocks covered by moss. He pushes the door and walks in. The smell of coffee lingers in the air; the sounds of chatter, shakers, and mixers; the vintage decorations such as old books and vinyl players, make he feel relax some how.

"Over here." Jeff waves his hands. "Sit here, our special guest. I had ordered specialty of this shop, coffee mix with orange juice, for you to try but Mile didnt let me. He said it was late, you cant sleep if you drink coffee. So he ordered only juice for you. I've been friend with him for years but he's never cared about me." Jeff's fake cry makes Apo laughs.

"Don't listen to him." Mile says. "Let's go, it's our turn."

"I will cheer for both of you." Apo smiles.

Mile feels hot on his face and thanks god for the dim light as he can feel his ears get hot and for sure they are red now.

As they get on stage, the crowd begin chanting their names. They open their performance by a few cover version of up beat songs to keep the audiences' energy up. Everyone sings along with them happily. Apo can feel the energy of the audiences and the passion in their crafts of Mile and Jeff. Jeff's voice blends perfectly with Mile's electric guitar. Their chemistry on stage match really well with each other.

"To end our session tonight, I want to perform my latest song called Loop. Please show us love." Jeff introduces the last song.

Again, Jeff's sweet and distinguish voice fill the atmosphere with Mile's guitar. This song is about a guy cannot gather his courage to confess his love. It keeps happening day after day that's why the song is called Loop.

"I want to express my love for you
I want you to know I think of you tonight
I think of you today but never say it right
When is it going to be the day that I let you know
How many tomorrows I will wait
Today is yesterday's tomorrow"

A round of applause explodes when Jeff finishes last line. His latest self written song is a hit. Everyone loves it. Sweet lyric, sweet melody with angelic voice and guitar sound, perfect combination.

"Thank you all for your support. Please give it up for Mile and nong Avocado too."

Apo stands up to cheers with the audiences. He must admit, watching Mile in his focus mode, playing his guitar passionately makes him feel things. Seem like something is planted in side him but he can't figure out what it is. He just knows, Mile looks really good on stage and he is extremely attractive doing what he loves.

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