Waiting outside the door before class ends she sends Rory a quick text telling her everything that happened earlier until she hears the bell ring. Opening the door Amelia walks in with the biggest smile on her face.

The second Sam saw her she ran over crashing into Amelia's abdomen for a tight embrace. Amelia picked up the girl to hug her even tighter feeling like if she lets go Sam will disappear.

"I missed you" The woman says kissing her forehead. Sam didn't respond only giving a small grunt.

The two stay like that till all of the littles have gone leaving just them in the room. Jason had left to give them some space knowing first days can be tough.

"I made you picture" Sam said trying to get out of Amelia's hold to show her. Amelia let go reluctantly not wanting Sam to be away from her.

"Ohhh Sam, this is amazing" Amelia said taking the picture in her hands. After studying it for a bit she clutches it to her chest holding back tears in her eyes.

"You hungry baby?" Sam nods her head quickly while making grabby hands wanting to be picked up. Amelia picks up the girl and heads towards the cafeteria to get some lunch.

Sam clings to Amelia like a leach the whole way there. Tiny fist grabbing at Amelia's clothing tightly never wanting to be away from her again.

Once the two sit down with Sam on Amelias lap a worker drops off a ham and cheese sandwich with crackers and a small salad. Sam immediately goes for the crackers downing them quickly followed by the sandwich and after a little convincing on Amelias part the ate the salad too.

Amelia had also FaceTimed Rory so Sam could talk about her time at school. She got to draw have story time and play go fish with her new friends.

Sam talked with so much enthusiasm and energy Amelia and Rory couldn't wipe the smile off their faces. They both listened intently not wanting to miss a single detail as their little girl talked on and on.

With a full stomach Sam began to feel very tired from the events today and fell asleep in her caregivers arms. After a couple more minutes Amelia hung up the phone to tend to the little peacefully sleeping away.

She brought her back to the room to change her pull-up and clothes opting for a footed onesie with small fishes all over it. Grabbing the dinosaur Amelia places it under Sam's arm who instinctively grabs it to push against her face. Amelia has come to know that the girl craves the scent of the comfort item.

"Sweet dreams my baby" Amelia kisses her forehead before sticking a pacifier in her mouth and tucking her in.

Amelia had decided this was the perfect time to start on a special project she has been want to do for Sam. So she sat in the rocking chair adjacent to Sam's bed she used a little magic to grab her materials out of thin air before getting to work.

It took a little more magic in order for her to finish the project as quick as she did but when it was time to wake up Sam she would have it ready.

Amelia had made sam a crochet dinosaur. It was big enough for her to play with but also to snuggle with. She made it slightly weighted to add extra comfort while making it the littles second favorite color blue.

(This but blue)

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(This but blue)

The little woke up with a grumble when the woman began to speak gentle words to coax the girl out of bed. Amelia began to scratch her head her fingers combing through short curls.

"I have a surprise for you little one" Amelia whispers in the girls ear.

The girl is up and out of bed in no time with a big stretch. Amelia chuckles at how easily she seemed to get up.

Grabbing the new stuffy Amelia shows the girl who screams in excitement. Sam runs up to the woman and begins to reach for the toy but stops before actually touching it. Looking up to Amelia for approval she sees her encouraging smile so she gently takes the toy from her hands before pushing her face into it. 'Smells like mommy' Sam thinks.

Amelia bends down to Sam's level before asking "what are you gonna name it"

Sam takes a moment to think of a name while looking over the dinosaur "BARRY! Cause he's blue like a blueberry"

"That's a great name love" Amelia kisses Sam's cheeks making the girl giggle.

"Thank you" Sam clashes into Amelia for a warm hug.

"Your welcome baby. Now we have to go see Dr.Raven do you want to bring Benny or Barry?" that question only got a groan in response. Sam's demeanor soured at the thought of having to see the dreaded doctor.

"Nu wanna" Sam pouts

"I'm sorry sweet pea but we have to get you checked out" there's nothing Amelia wants more than to get everything done and bring Sam home asap.

"So let's get going love"

Their little puppyWhere stories live. Discover now