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Pov: Yours

There was heavy snow fall as I paced around my balcony nervously.

"Mom?" Marcos called out, "Yes?" I quickly said, "Are you okay?"  He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, what's wrong Marcos? Everything okay?" he put his hand on his other arm nervously, "Are we going to celebrate Christmas?" My eyes widened, shit, I forgot.

"Of course! We are gonna be having a dinner party and everything! It's gonna be so much fun!" I said as I pushed him inside, "Why don't you go get ready, bet you wanna give Daniella that present!" I said as I closed the door.

I picked up my phone and called my best friend, "Hey, what are your plans for tonight?" I asked once she answered.

"Well I was gonna rekindle with my ex and her lovely judgemental parents so that my dear Daniella could spend her Christmas with both moms." She said super sarcastically.

"So nothing?"

"Yup, pretty much."

"Why don't you invite the drama for a lovely Christmas with the lovely family we have." I insisted.

"Will there be tequila?" She asked.

"I have a new bottle of vodka too in case we run out of it."

There was a short period of silence.

"Be there in a few hours." she said before hanging up.

I looked back outside and saw the snowing finally stopped.

"Hey Peter," I called out as I walked past him in the hallway, "Hey- where are you going?" he asked, "I need to buy Christmas presents, I completely forgot about it!" I said as I grabbed my coat and scarf, "Oh, let me come with!" he said as he grabbed his scarf, I put his hand down, "I wanna do this alone, please."

"Okay." he said with a sigh, I smiled and walked out of the penthouse.


"Order for Y/n!" the barista called out.

I picked up my drink and walked out, in all honesty, I wasn't gonna buy presents, I already paid my maids to get something for everyone on my way out, but I just wanted to see if I would find Miles.

The cold empty streets didn't have anything though, I heard a squeal and looked up, seeing a girl hugging her fiance who just proposed. "YOU MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST!" she said before they shared a passionate kiss.

I looked at a window reflection of myself, my eye bags were heavy, my face looked like a living corpse, then again, I haven't changed in the last few years.

"Hey Y/n!" I heard someone say, I turned around and saw Britney and Diego, hand in hand, "Wow! It has been years!" Britney said as she hugged me, we pulled away and I nodded, "So it has been, how are you guys?" I asked, I really didn't wanna be in this conversation though.

"Amazing! Diego and I are getting married on New Years! You should come!" she said as she took out an envelope from her purse.

I accepted the invitiation, "Thanks, didn't think you guys would even wanna see me again to be honest." "Girl! We used to be good friends! Let the past be the past-" Diego interrupted his soon to be wife, "Baby we gotta go! Your family is at the condo already." he said as he showed the text message.

"Oh! Snap, well, hope to see you soon Y/n!" she said.

I nodded and walked away.

I walked inside of my warm house.

There was old music playing on our old style vinyl.

"You made it!" my little son said as he ran up to me with a huge hug, he was going to turn 6 soon, he already lost his front tooth, so how he talks is so funny, "Of course I did baby! God it smells so good! Is daddy cooking or is it takeout?" I whispered.

"He made it! But he told me not to tell you that abuela mostly helped before she lef-" "That's enough Marcos!" Miles said as he carried our son up, "Go put on your new christmas pjs or santa won't give you a gift!" Miles warned, the curly haired boy gasped and zoomed out of here.

I looked at Miles with a smirk, "You "cooked" huh?" I asked with quotation marks.

"All by myself!" he said as he pulled me closer to him and kissed me, I giggled and put my head on his shoulder, "I like this song." I quietly said.

"That's why it's on." he said as he pulled me away, "Wanna dance?" he asked with his hand offering, I nodded and gave him mines "Of course." I replied as we danced to It's been a long, long time.

We were slow, and we looked into eachothers eyes with a smile as we danced.

"I love christmas." I said.

"I love you." he said as he kissed the top of my forehead.

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