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POV: Third Person

"You told me he was dead

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"You told me he was dead." I told Peter as we walked into HQ with Natalie and Gwen Stacy all together.

"I thought he was! I saw him on the floor! He didn't even have a pulse! You have to believe me Y/n-" "yeah that's done with, where did miles even go?" Natalie asked as she replayed a video with a mini projection showing in front of us the Spider-Man that was swinging around New York City.

"We need to know what is happening if anything." Gwen said as we finally reached Miguel O'Hara lair.

"Miguel." I called out.

His little elevation thing began going down.

"I already know." He replied as he got down walking up to us.

"What's going on?" Gwen asked as we looked around, "ISNT it obvious?" "No Miguel! I'm a retired hero who doesn't know shit about a blip! So please, enlighten me!" I said.

"Miles went into the blip with a bunch of other heroes, the other spidermen were retrieved, but Miles was nowhere to be found, and according to my records, when he was found, estaba pues- muerte." Miguel explained

I sighed, "So, what was he doing the whole time?" I asked, "Do I really have to spell everything out for you!" Miguel exclaimed.

Everyone around me nodded, "Okay, well, he was fighting dangerous creatures the whole time, if it weren't for him I guess you could say the world would be under attack-" Miguel stopped talking when we heard the door open.

"Mom you gotta check this out!" Marcos said as he ran in with the bracelet.

Miguel put his fingers in his forehead stressfully, "not another damn kid." "Hey! I'm 16! I'm not a kid." "The same age your dad almost made our universe collapse." Miguel reminded me with a small chuckle.

"Dang! Dad did all of that?!?" Marcos asked, I grabbed a bread roll from Miguel's desk and stuffed it in Marcos mouth, "Mph!" "So get a bunch of spidermen to fucking work on the blip, Miles is out there doing all of this by himself!" I exclaimed.

"We will Y/n, we will, but it's not that simple. Due to the blip returning a bunch of creatures, they are trying to attack earth 1610 since Miles is from there, and we can't send spidermen there. But luckily they have you."

I looked at Natalie who looked just as shock as me, then at Gwen who was zoned out.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah lucky."


I turned around and saw my boyfriend who was playing with a stray black cat.

"I think it came with the house!" he said as the cat rolled over.

We were looking into houses around in Oregon, this house was apparently near 'nature's treasure' Miles would say.

It was a cute two story cottage type house, perfect for Marcos who was currently staying with his grandma back in Brooklyn to give us time to look at houses.

"I think this might be the one." I whispered.

The grass was soft, a lot of beautiful wild flowers spread along the big field, and the trees made the area perfectly shady, "It is the one." Miles said as he took my hand and led me behind the house, a few minutes later I heard water splashing, "Is that..." I gasped as I saw a waterfall, a fucking waterfall was close to my house, and not a tiny one.

"Let's jump in!" Miles said as he took off his sweater, "What- Miles no!" he didn't listen, he just jumped in the lake, but he didn't come out.

"Miles?!?" I shouted as worry filled my body.

"Fuck!" I swore as I took off sweater and jumped in.

I saw Miles body sinking, and I dove closer to him, grabbing his body and swimming up, "Miles?!?" I frantically said, he opened his eyes and giggled.

"YOU-" "Wanted to see if you'd save me baby!" he said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and tried swimming away, "Oh no! You are not going anywhere!" he said as he grabbed my waist, pulling me closer.

I groaned, "You're the worst." I said as I ignored his face, "Hey! You were the one who wanted to buy a house with me!" he exclaimed as he kissed my cheek.

"Having doubts on it." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

His eyes widened, "Wait really?!?" he asked, now sounding worried.

"Of course not! We made a promise a long time ago we'd do this! You'd stop being spider-man, I'd retire from my job, and we'd live here with Marco, this is like our dream."

He smiled and kissed my lips, "You make me the happiest man alive Y/n."

I smiled and rested my forehead on his shoulder.

We never got to live in that house because when we returned, the blip took my boyfriend.

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