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"We should move in together..." Pran suggests as he is cooking breakfast for both of them...

"Yes we should that would save us a lot of money and time..." Pat agrees.. he wanted to be as close to Pran because the project that seemed to last ages now seemed like only a few days...

Being roommates with each other clearly meant intruding each other's personal space, staying together, having each other for a longer time.. at least till one of them finds a better and stable partner. 

Ink, Pa, Ae and their boss Khun Sand are present in the meeting room when Pat and Pran arrive at the office...

"Pran architect's work is done in the mall project so now I would like you to take the new housing society projects bid that our company has recently won. It requires a lot of work... because first with the town panner you have to design the basic map and then design individual apartments, villas, commercial blocks etc.." Khun Sand starts to speak as soon as both of them settled down...

"Sir I can see both the projects.."Pran stands up from his seat..

"Is there anything now left in the project that junior architects can't handle...??"

"No Sir" Pran shakes his head.. "but"

"Ok then.. it is decided... now you work in that project for a two weeks and then both of you can breakup... we will not announce it officially just say when you both landed on different projects things didn't work out as they should have..." Ae said enthusiastically... an enthusiasm which killed both  Pat and Pran..

"You two have been waiting for this day since you started... you must be so happy..." Ink casually smiles.. yes they should be but they are not instead it is painful. 

"Yes..." both of them replied showing fake enthusiasm... the day both of them plan to move in together the company wants them to breakup...

But Ae is right if they don't meet up and with time constraints of their job they both will move on... find new partners who would love them back..

Pran immediately started on his discussions with the town planner... The town planner Pol started to drop hints about being interested in Pran subtly by flirting... Despite knowing Pran was in a relationship the man didn't take a step back... because Pran would be spending more time with him..

Now Pat and Pran no longer needed to go to each other's place. They could go back to being in their comfort zones as it was..

Pran would no longer complain about Pat's house being a mess and cleaning it up thus misplacing all the important items Pat had clearly kept in the mess...

Pat would no longer dirty Pran's house... Pran would no longer find unwashed underwears not belonging to him in his pile of laundry... he would no longer have to wash clothes of two people...

All this should have felt nice but it didn't. They were now free and open to date anyone in the real world after two weeks but all they kept thinking about was that one person they fake dated.

Home didn't feel like home and the other side of bed felt cold... even with all the blankets that were present on the bed..

Pol agreed to Pran's proposals without arguing any other ideas and he felt that nothing is going to bring out the best in him... no one to raise questions on his decisions now felt incomplete.. It was a repetition of America... the same loneliness had clouded him...

Hate, Date , Love (PatPran FF)Where stories live. Discover now