Only Human

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Bucky and Sam were sitting inside the building waiting for an Uber

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Bucky and Sam were sitting inside the building waiting for an Uber. "They couldn't lend us a car?" Sam said as he rubbed his face annoyed at the people he works for. After a minute of silence he looked over to Bucky who looked uneasy. "Hey, thinking about your little girlfriend?" Bucky slightly stunned turned to Sam as he pulled away from his thoughts, "She's not my girlfriend.." Sam pulled his arm up to Bucky showing him the screen on his arms armor. "Sure looks like you both were pretty close, body against body." He said with a smirk as they both watched the surveillance tape of when the man broke into the downtown building. Bucky was about to respond when Sam's phone rang, "Good afternoon Sir." Sam looked to Bucky, "We'll be right in." Sam clicked the phone off and smiled at Bucky, "Seems your girlfriend won't talk to anyone but you." Bucky blushed slightly as he blinked, "Really?" Sam nodded, "Yup." Bucky smiled slightly, "Weirdest flirt flex I've ever experienced." Sam laughed, "Have you even been with a girl since the 40's?" Bucky shook his head, "Nope. And back then, the girls weren't... so straight forward." Sam raised an eyebrow, "She said she likes being on top, hence seeing her on top." Sam looked down at his screen of the survallence that was still going. He laughed even more, "I like a girl who knows what she wants." Bucky laughed as the two proceeded to the elevator. "Does he know we're still in the lobby?" Sam shook his head, "What do you think?"

(Y/n) closed her eyes again as she reached back out to the presence in the room she was in, the layer of dimension that sat just below the one of her own existence. She opened her eyes and smiled, "Hello, again." On the other side of the glass sat Pepper and Rhodey as they watched the girl laugh as she stared off to the side. "Who do you thing she's talking to?" Pepper asked as she gently caressed the necklace she wore in her hand. "Is there even anyone there? She could be messing with us." A voice from behind spoke, "Since that fancy necklace you gave her is glowing yellow, I'd say she's using her abilities." They turned around to see Sam who just spoke, Bucky following behind. "That was quick." Rhodey said as Bucky sighed, "Considering we were in the lobby the whole time." Rhodey nodded, "Ah... they didn't give you a car did they?" Sam and Bucky shook their head. Bucky looked at the girl as she continued laughing, the neck device highlighting yellow. Pepper looked at Bucky, "You know the girl?" Bucky looked to her, "Ah, no. I just met her." She rubbed her head, "Well, lucky you, She's taken a liking to you." After a few seconds the girl spoke, "Helloooo... I'm still waiting to see that cute face known as James Barnes.." She said as she leaned on the chair taking a swig of Whiskey. Bucky blushed as he cleared his throat, "Yup, weird flirt flex.." He said as Sam laughed behind him, "Don't keep her waiting." Bucky turned to him, and gave him a look before he proceeded to the door. "Hey, Bucky, if you're able to find out where she took Tony's helmet.." Bucky turned to Pepper and nodded. He opened the door and walked in, "Hiya stranger." Bucky smiled, "Hiya back, stranger." Bucky went and sat down, "How did you get Whiskey in here?" (Y/n) smiled, "I have my ways... You want some?" Bucky shook his head, "No, thank you." He looked at the girl and saw while her eyes were still a bright green her face was more pale, eyes sunken in. "Are you alright? Have you had that wound checked out." (Y/n) smirked, "Worried about me?" Bucky nodded, "Yes, actually. You don't look good." Her smirk fell, "It's better this way, trust me." He tapped the table, "Trust. How about we start there. Let's build some trust." (Y/n) nodded, "Alright James, let's build some trust." She looked at him, "Let's start with your name, your name is (Y/n).. what?." (Y/n) spoke, "You can call me (Y/n) S." Bucky nodded, "Just S?" She sighed, "Yeah.. for now at least, it's not very important who I am." Bucky shook his head, "Well I think it's very important to know who you are. That's how trust is built." She smiled, "Yeah.. know this, I'll never lie to you James, but I may not reveal everything right away." Bucky leaned forward, "Okay. So tell me (Y/n), how did you come to be falling through a portal in the sky?" She continued to smile, "The Portal wasn't supposed to be in the sky, that was an error on my side... the fall was pretty brutal. But, it worked. I was able to get myself here.. I was hoping the Avengers were still intact but at least most of them were alive here." Bucky continued, "Where did you come from?" She took a sip of Whiskey and looked at James with raw eyes, "My world... my universe I came from collapsed on itself. The only way for me to survive was to create the portal and get out." Bucky eyed her, "You're from another universe?" She nodded, "Yes I am. So are the ones who followed me here.." Bucky nodded, "Yeah, about them, it seems like they are after you. Did they come here for you or did they come here to survive the dying universe?" She sighed, "There are others who could have saved them and taken them to another universe.. But they followed me specifically. I have... what they want..." Bucky saw the glimmer of dread in her eyes. "Is that why you were looking for the Avengers? Because they are after you and what you have?" She shook her head, "I was hoping I could warn the Avengers of these people as they stay here in this universe looking for me... they'd do anything to get me back. If they get me back bad things will happen." Bucky thought back to when she killed that man named Jed, "That man you killed, he mentioned something about the mind stone. Do you have that?" She smirked, "You're a quick one aren't you... I'm afraid I can't reveal the location of the mind stone." Bucky shook his head, "Not much you really will tell me it sounds like it." She smiled, "Only for your safety. Not only that, but if I give too much away then my plan won't work to stop them." She looked to the left of her as she replied, "The people who followed me are Hydra. And unlike here in your time they are far more menacing. They have gone further than the Winter Soldier program, they have prototypes of new methods of brainwashing and torture. They've grown in subjects and they will stop at nothing to get what they want." Bucky could hear the sternness in her voice yet see the nervousness in her face, "Were you apart of Hydra?" She moved back and moved her pants lower to show the tattoo that rested on her inner thigh about her bikini line. "What would you say?" Bucky looked at the Red star tattoo. He looked back up at her, her eyes now staring into his. He was about to speak when he heard yelling coming from the other room. Bucky turned around with knitted eyebrows, "I'm sorry (Y/n), I'm just going to check on this. I do want to continue this conversation though." (Y/n) nodded, Bucky smiled at her before he started to leave when she grabbed his one arm, "James.. how did you get the Hydra mind control removed?" He looked at her confused as he responded, "In Wakanda, they used their technology and successfully removed it." (Y/n) let go of his arm, "Hmm..." She looked back up at him, "I'm glad you were able to get that removed in this universe." Bucky nodded as he slowly left the room. 'In this universe..' Bucky realized that in her universe he was still the Winter Soldier. He came out to a group of people yelling, "She attacked Yelena! Took her blood and Nat's jacket." Bucky walked up to the group as he heard Clint's voice. "Who is she and what is she doing with these objects and blood she's taken!" Rhodey was trying to calm Clint down as Pepper held Morgan who was now next to her. "We don't know yet. She only wants to talk to Bucky." Clint looked over to Bucky, "Why? Why does she want to talk to you?" Bucky shook his head, "I really don't know.. she said I was.. Cute." Clint laughed, "This chick is a fucking psychopath." Pepper let go of Morgan as she went to Clint, "Trust me, I'm not happy either. She took Tony's helmet, but we have to be calm. Especially since we don't know much about her or where she aligns." Sam piped up, "I think we should get Wanda. She can scan the girl and see what power specifically she has and get into her brain with that trick she uses." Rhodey shook his head, "It's too risky, she's unhinged as it is. It was the Silver Vision who saved her and she tried to kill herself." Sam replied, "All the more reason to get her to come back to reality, give her a reason. She has the same device too correct? Just lower the setting and put her in there, she can use her powers on the girl." Clint angry still replied, "I'd rather hear it from Wanda that she's safe than from him. No offense.. just you have deep ties to Hydra." Bucky bit his tongue, "Well, offense taken." Pepper shrieked, "Morgan!" Everyone turned around and saw Morgan in the room sitting across from the girl talking. "Wow, sounds like you're a good little artist." (Y/n) said as Morgan smiled, "They don't like you very much." (Y/n) nodded, "They don't know me, that's all. Nothing about like or dislike.. except for that government guy. He probably doesn't like me because I don't like him." Morgan laughed, "Did you know me in your universe?" (Y/n) nodded, "Yeah... I did. We were best friends you could say." She smiled, "It feels like we would have been." Her smile faded, "I've had dreams about you. Some really scary ones... was I... Bad?" (Y/n) shook her head, "No. No, don't ever think that way. Sometimes, people do what they have to do with what they have. Sometimes you're not given a choice. " Morgan nodded as Pepper ran through the door, "Morgan! Get away from her!" Morgan moved away as (Y/n) slightly waved goodbye to her. She shut the door as she grabbed Morgan, "Why did you go in there?" Morgan replied, "I'm okay mom. I just wanted to ask her questions like James was." Pepper looked to Bucky and then back to Morgan as she sighed, "You shouldn't do that. She's dangerous." Morgan pulled away from her mom, "No she's not. She needs our help. You just don't get it!" Morgan ran off down the hallway, "Morgan!" Pepper said as she continued to follow her. Clint looked to Rhodey, "Let's get Wanda... what if this girl is more powerful and is warping Morgan's mind." Rhodey with a worried face nodded, "I'll let the Secretary of state know and get him to bring her at once... I think we should also get someone in here with more of psychological background too." Sam looked to Bucky who was rubbing his hands through his hair, "I don't know guys, she doesn't seem like a psychopath. She seems like a scared girl who is in a new world and doesn't know who to trust." Clint looked at him, "You saw her kill someone.. and if what Sam said is right she was going to stab him again even though he was already dead." Bucky shook his head, "Who here hasn't killed out of rage.. we don't even fully know her yet." Clint looked at him again, "Fine. Go find out as we get Wanda and the psycho whatever guy.." He said as he angrily looked at the girl who was talking to someone in the room again. "And you say she isn't psycho." Sam spoke to Bucky, "They have a point. While she's cute and has some powers... we don't know how dangerous she is. Like you said we don't know her." Bucky nodded, "Yeah, I know. But I can't help but feel there's more to her.." Sam smiled, "Man, she's got you whipped already." Bucky looked to Sam and rolled his eyes as he walked over to the door and opened it. (Y/n) smiled as Bucky walked through the door, "So what was all the Ruckus." Bucky smiled as he walked to the table, "It was about you." She rolled her eyes, "Well I figured that. I meant who was causing the Ruckus." Bucky continued, "It was Clint, you may know him as-" (Y/n) and Bucky both said  "Hawkeye" in unison. "Yeah. I figured he'd show up..." Bucky thought for a moment, "From your universe to this one, are there many differences." She leaned over the table, her cuffed hands gently clinking against the table. "There are some similarities but my universe... has one major difference." Bucky ran his eyes over her slender features, "And what is that?" She looked at him as she sighed, "Me." Bucky responded, "Why do you say that?" She looked down at her hands, "I don't exist in this universe." A knock came from the mirrored window, Bucky looked back and stood up. "See you soon (Y/n)." She nodded, "See ya cutie." Bucky briefly looked back at her with a smirk as he opened the door and left. "What is it?" Bucky was now staring at the Secretary of state. "I don't want you speaking to her anymore until we have her checked out." Bucky sighed as he nodded, "Alright. Do you mean Wanda and a Psychologist?" The secretary of state replied, "I really don't want to bring Maximoff into this... but from what Clint has said we have to do what we have to do. As for the Psychologist, we are getting the best of the best to come in here. It's best to get a good grasp on her mental state.... There have been some developments. Please, all of you follow me." Bucky, Sam, Rhodey, and Clint followed into the other room. The secretary of State clicked on a television, "It has come to our attention that the subject (Y/n) has been busy. Besides her visiting Yelena, she has hunted down and killed two people. Brothers who were students at Columbia, on their final year of graduating." Pepper who was standing near the door entrance gasped as she held her hand up to her mouth. "So what does that mean?" Sam asked as he wasn't sure how we all were going to progress with (Y/n). "Well, it means I don't want any of you talking to her until she is checked out. The doctor should be on his way. His name is Dr. Randolph and he has multiple PHDs, as well he is full away of (Y/n)'s powers.. he's also been seeing Maximoff. Which, on that note, she will be on her way too. She's traveling via Helicopter." Bucky replied, "Do we know who the boys were? Or why she killed them? She may have had a reason." Clint laughed, "See why I don't think we can trust him.. he's choosing the side of a girl who has a crush on him, not to mention the Hydra star tattooed on her fucking body." Bucky shook his head, "Not everything is as it seems. I wore the Hydra star for years because I was fucking brainwashed. Not fun may I add. I think we should cover all our basis before we condemn a girl who may be here to help us." Sam nodded, "I agree." Clint laughed, "How about you go in there and ask your little girl friend where she put the fluid ounces of Yelena's blood? What the hell does she need with that? Sounds like witchcraft to me." Clint said as he moved his hand through the air, "It's because it is." Everyone turned around and looked at Wanda who was standing at the door entrance near Pepper with two men beside her. She herself was handcuffed and a device around her neck. "It's good to see you kid." Clint said as he looked her over. Her vibrant red hair was now a dull Rusty orange, her eyes large compared with her small face, and she had lost a lot of weight looking almost alien. "Good to see you too Clint..." She said as she looked down at the floor. "Ms. Maximoff, thank you for joining us in checking out this girl." She nodded, "Not like I had a choice.." She sighed as she looked at the group, "You said she has blood? Did she take anything else?" Pepper nodded, "She took Tony's Helmet and Natasha's leather jacket that Yelena had." She nodded, "There are a few different spells out there that require the objects and blood... Did she get blood from you or Morgan?" Pepper shook her head, "No she didn't.. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Wanda thought for a moment, "Depends on what she's trying to do. Does she have a spell book?" Everyone was silent, "I'll take that as a no.. may I see her?" The Secretary of State nodded, "This way." Wanda was escorted to the other room where (Y/n) was being held. "She's... young. How old is she?" Bucky responded, "We haven't gotten that far." She nodded as she lifted up her hands, the man on her right removed the hand cuffs, leaving the neck device on. "We've lowered your neck device so you can access a bit more of your magic, but if you do anything, we'll be watching." She nodded. She opened the door and walked in, (Y/n) who looked over to the woman and replied, "Oh, hello. I didn't think I'd be seeing you." Wanda looked at the girl oddly, "Why is that?" She said as she continued to stand by the door, "I was told you were put away." Wanda nodded as she inched closer. "I was.. in a type of prison far away yes." (Y/n) responded, "I mean put away as in your head. You're not fully here.. they can tell you know." She crinkled her eyebrows, "Who?" (Y/n) looked over to her left, "Can you really not feel their presence?" Wanda looked to where she was. "No.." (Y/n) bit her lip, "You're not as advanced in your powers as the Wanda in my universe was then. Don't worry, you'll get there." Wanda slightly chuckled, "I don't think I'll be doing much with my powers." (Y/n) looked at the warped woman, "Except for now. They want you to use your powers to dig in my mind." Wanda nodded, "Yup." (Y/n) shook her head, "I don't think that's a good idea... you might... break." Wanda sighed, "And why is that?" (Y/n) responded, "Because my mind is broken and with the near same power as you, it may be perceived in a bad way. I don't want you to get hurt." Wanda shook her head, "Not really something I'm worried about." (Y/n) put her hands up on the table, "You should." (Y/n) brought her right hand up, yellow starting to dance around in her palm. "Do what you have to do, but don't say I didn't warn you." Wanda moved her hand up as well, red dancing in her palm. She put her hand against (Y/n)'s creating an orange mix of dancing streams surrounding their hands. (Y/n) closed her eyes letting Wanda in, Wanda in turn closed hers as she searched her mind. Wanda was being bypassed by memories, so many and so fast she couldn't decide what one to cling to. Some memories were warped like they were messed with or ones that (Y/n) had changed. She kept looking until she found a core memory and pulled at it. She came to a lake where two girls were. One had dark brown hair as the other one had bright blonde, "Best Friends forever and Sisters forever no matter what boy enters our lives." The dark haired one said as the blonde smiled. They both sliced their hands revealing blood, they both pressed it against each other as the blonde's hand lit up yellow. "I wish the stone would give me powers too, then we really would be twins and not just by birth." The Brunnette said as she let the yellow grasp her hand, "Dad said that it worked for other twins, so maybe it'll still work for us." The Blonde said as she removed her hand, both female's hands were now healed. "I hope so. I want us to save the world together." Wanda's latch to the memory came loose tossing her aside into another pit of random memories. Wanda found another latch and grabbed on, she sat there for a moment as she took in the memory.. it started out dull until it progressed into a full throttle of emotions and images... Death. Cold dark roots slimed over, consuming, the feeling of sinking and sinking, never able to get out. The constant sounds of people crying out for mercy as their lives were snuffed out. The feeling of your heart breaking into two leaving you only half of what you once were, the nightmare you try to escape to only wake up to it again and again. Knowing there is nothing you were able to do or can do. The will of your mind and body is neglected as you obey. The feeling of being entirely and utterly alone. In the cold dark ground until you are ripped from it.. to endure more pain that has become your life. The wishing for the end of your life. Wanda shot her eyes open as her eyes filled with tears, she started to heave and ran over to a garbage to puke. (Y/n) stood up trying to comfort her when the door opened and man shot her with a stun gun known as an 'Icer' (Y/n) was shot and fell roughly back into the chair behind her, now knocked out. The man grabbed Wanda out and brought her to a chair as she continued to cry. "What the hell happened!" Clint said as everyone was around, "Her mind... she was right it's broken. I could only find pieces and parts. She has endured so much in her short life." Bucky looked through the window at (Y/n), "Did you guys have to shoot her?" The man shook his head, "She freaked me out. She made the Scarlett witch act like that." Wanda looked up at the group, "She must have gotten her powers from the mind stone in her reality." Rhodey responded, "That tracks, the man she murdered downtown said something about her having the mind stone. Do you know if she still has it?" She shook her head, "I can't tell.... it's near but the connection isn't strong. It has to be put away somewhere." Rhodey looked at Wanda, "What were you able to see." Wanda held her head, "I saw another girl. A sister... I saw a memory but there wasn't that same.. feeling later." Sam questioned her, "Feeling?" She nodded, "Her memories and thoughts were all jumbled, the only thing that I could make out were her emotions. What she has felt. They went from Warm to cold fast, it was uninviting and dark..." Clint shook his head, "So she is bad." Wanda shook her head, "It wasn't that simple, while she had these emotions she has a strong will of protecting. She would do anything to stop her pain from being felt by anyone else." Clint responded, "Then why did she kill those brothers? Take blood?" She replied, "She has a spell in mind she's going to use but I wasn't able to see it. It's like she knows what she wants to accomplish and how to do it. But when I tried to peer into it, it was blurry like she didn't want me to know." Wanda held her head, "Hey, kid, are you alright?" Clint said as she continued to hold her head. "It's just something I felt in her head... it's the same feeling I've felt many times. It's soul crushing." The Secretary of State spoke as he walked up, "I just got the news on who those brothers were..." He motioned for the group to follow him into the other room once again. He put the image of the brothers up on the TV. "Twins?" Wanda asked as she thought, "The sister I saw in her head, she's a twin too." The Secretary of State responded, "They weren't just twins. We looked deeper into who they were and the names they had were an alias." Rhodey and Sam stood near the table where the Secretary of State and Wanda were watching the TV intensely, Clint off to the side as he rubbed his head. Bucky was near the back leaning against the wall as he listened, worried about (Y/n) in the other room, hoping she would be okay from those icer bullets. Pepper walked in after she calmed Morgan down briefly looking at Bucky then going to Rhodey's side. "The Twin Brothers were Jedediah & Charles Zola... Their grandfather was Arnim Zola." Bucky who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded stood straight up, "What? Zola had fucking kids and grandkids." Anger building up in him, it was Zola who had turned him into the Winter Soldier. Sam turned to Bucky as he knew that it was Zola who caught Bucky and gave him the Winter Soldier Arm. As Bucky thought his head went off like a firecracker, "Oh my god. I know why she killed them." Everyone turned to Bucky, "The guy from her universe she killed was named Jed. It's probably short for Jedediah... she's trying to kill the ones who are Hydra in her universe. Who probably are Hydra here too." As Bucky spoke a bright yellow light emitted from his left near the windows, the group looked over as (Y/n) appeared holding her head, "Ah, fuck." She said as she held her head with her cuffed hands. The Secretary of State pointed to her, "How the fuck did she get in here with that device!" Bucky looked at the device on her neck, the light was now a deep Red. Bucky started to go to her, "Hey, (Y/n), Are you alright?" He said as he put his hands out to her, "Stay away..I'll hurt you." She said as footsteps were heard from the other side of the room from the entrance. Everyone slowly looked over to a man who had now walked into the room, speaking Russian. "longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak..." Bucky quickly ripped his eyes away from (Y/n), looking at the man with dark eyes, "Those words don't work on me anymore." The man laughed, as blue smoke surrounded his feet and a piece of paper in his hands. "Nope. But they'll work on her. Isn't that right (N/n)?" Bucky turned to (Y/n) with a horrified look on his face, everything was falling into place. Everything she said. She was a Winter Soldier. His heart sunk as he remembered what Wanda had said, 'Her mind is broken.' He knew what that felt like from the Winter Soldier Programming. Wanda unable to use her powers stepped back as she watched the man speak. Rhodey pulled Pepper behind him as Clint grabbed for his arrows and shot one at the man. The man waved his hand a steady straight stream of blue smoke hitting it, the man stopping it with a smirk. The man continued speaking as he read the words from the paper, "furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, freight car." She yelled, "I'm not going to let you take me again." (Y/n) used the cuffs and pressed into her wound she had as she growled, "Oh (Y/n), you can try to fight it but remember, it always wins. Just let it take over. No matter how weak or intoxicated you are won't keep it away." Sam slowly backed near the other side of the room as he carefully went for the shield he had placed down. Bucky turned to the guy, "Stop it!" (Y/n) was in excruciating pain as she tried to keep the brainwashing away as the neck device sent receptors to her brain from the teleportation power she used. Bucky turned back to (Y/n) with astonishment. He never was able to fight off the brainwashing, even for a few seconds.. it consumed him. Was the alcohol and the injuries somehow helping her fight it off? The Man smiled as (Y/n) finally unable to keep the words from working started to straighten up, dropped her hands down, and replied in Russian, "I'm ready to comply." The Pain left her eyes, leaving them only empty. The Secretary of State moved to the table and clicked a red button that was on under the table. "I wouldn't bother." He said as he looked to the man, "Most of the men are on the first floor. (Y/n) could take you all out before anyone knew. She's not our number 1 for no reason." He turned to Bucky, "Sorry Buck old boy, (Y/n) replaced you in our time." Bucky trying to wrap his head around the scene unraveling in front him snared at the man. The Secretary of State replied, "She's not going to be much use to you, she's injured and the device around her neck will stop her from using her abilities." The man hummed as he turned to (Y/n), "(Y/n), be a good girl and remove the device from your neck." (Y/n) pulled her hands apart, breaking the handcuffs as she brought her hands to the neck device. Yellow pulsated outward from her hands to the device, the light changing from Red to nothing. With a quick movement of her hand, the device was ripped from her neck. She held it in her left hand, dropping it down to her side. The Secretary of State looked at (Y/n) with horror as he spoke, "Maximoff. If you can do that, I highly recommend you do.." Wanda shook her head, "If I could, It would've been done a long time ago." The Man spoke, "Now that we have that out of the way. (Y/n), where is the mind stone." (Y/n) responded, "I'm afraid I can't answer that." The man's smile faded, "(Y/n), I don't think you heard me. Where is the fucking Mind Stone." He said angrily, "Previous to now, I had put a spell on me to not reveal the location of the Mind Stone. I am not able to oblige." The Man laughed, "Damn it... you sly bitch." Bucky looked at (Y/n), her wound was worse off than before as blood kept seeping from her wound yet she stood tall and strong with those piercing green eyes. Bucky couldn't help but think about how genius it was to put a spell on herself so the Winter Soldier couldn't blab about where the stone was. "(Y/n)..." The man looked at Bucky, "Oh right, in this world you were the only Winter Soldier. Let's make this interesting, (Y/n). I want you to kill the Winter Soldier James Barnes." (Y/n) responded, "He's not the Winter Soldier anymore." The Man sighed, "I forgot how fucking specific you are... I want you to fucking kill James Buchanan Barnes!" He yelled manically. (Y/n) nodded as she turned her head and looked at Bucky. Running toward him, Sam quickly went for the Shield and tossed it at (Y/n). (Y/n) with her strong refle  easily stopping it with one hand. She threw it back as it hit Sam knocking him down. Wanda looked to the secretary state, "Get this thing off me!" The man looked over to Wanda, "Aw, Wanda, not as strong as you are in our universe are you? Maybe (Y/n) can give you pointers that she learned from you in ours." Clint ran at the man, "(Y/n), honey, will you pin the rest of the group up against the wall." He said as Pepper tried to run out of the room to get Morgan. Within Seconds of (Y/n) nodding her hands lie up yellow as she moved them around and forcibly threw her hands up. The Streams attacking the rest of the group, they all yelped as they were roughly pressed back into the walls or windows, pain stinging into their body from the power's pressure. The Secretary of State, Pepper and Clint were pressed against the window, the pressure causing it to slightly crack with them against it. Sam and Wanda were pressed against the wall, unable to move. "Wanda, you sure you can't do anything.." She groaned, "No, not without this stupid piece of crap around my neck." She said to Sam as the pressure slightly increased. (Y/n) turned to Bucky and pursued him, Bucky slowly backing out of the room. "Hey!" The two men said who were the ones that escorted Wanda in. They had left during the meeting to sneak off and of a smoke, only to return to this, "I've been waiting for this girl to get out so we can fucking show her what's her place." The one with Red hair said as she started toward (Y/n). (Y/n) teleported, disappearing from he mans view. When she reappeared she was behind the man and snapped his neck like a twig. His large muscular body falling to the ground. She turned to the other man as he cowered away in fear, (Y/n) was about to go after him when Bucky came up from behind her and grabbed her. "I'm sorry (Y/n), but I'm not going to let you kill anyone else because of those words." Bucky's Left vibranium arm was around her throat as his hand rested above on her head. Bucky tried to knock her out, not trying to injure her. (Y/n) elbowed his core as she brought her head back up and whacked Bucky right in the face. He let go of her as he stumbled backward, she turned and ran toward him. They both entered into a hand-to-hand combat, Bucky being outbested by (Y/n) - with the Winter Soldier training they both have received. (Y/n) punched Bucky in the face, "Damn it.." The man watched as (Y/n) ran and jumped on Barnes, twisting her body around his and using her leverage to quickly and effectively knock him onto the ground. "I'm bored. (N/n), use your Mind Stone powers... do that thing with the knives." Bucky's eyes went wide, "Wait, Knives!" (Y/n) hand went out to her side as two knives appeared, Bucky spoke, "Sorry about this.." He said as she took his foot and dug it into her wound, causing her to drop the knives to the floor grabbing her wound. She toppled over on the floor as Bucky stood up again, "Sorry." He said as he shrugged, (Y/n) grabbed the knives and stood back up. The knives were glowing yellow and look to be created from the Yellow ability she had. She shook her head slightly as she held onto the knives. Bucky could see that she was still in there trying to fight to have control of her body again. "(Y/n), end this. NOW!" (Y/n) looked at Bucky, her eyes once again becoming empty as she went after him again. Bucky used his jacket to try and keep the knives away, he was able to get the jacket and use it to flip the one knife out of her hand, the other one still in her right hand. Bucky came back toward her and punched her a few different times in the face. (Y/n) spat out blood as she turned yellow and disappeared, Bucky looked around only to be met by nothing. He was about to say something when (Y/n) appeared from above him, landing on him knocking him to the ground. Her legs wrapping around his waist perfectly. She brought the knife down to his chest and started pushing. Bucky used his strength to try and keep the knife away, he watched as it slowly started to pierce him, his face scrunching up from the pain. Bucky moved his right hand away as his vibranium continued to fight the knife. He brought his hand to her wound, pressing his thumb deep into her wound. (Y/n) shrieked as she continued to press on the knife, Bucky pressing deeper into her wound. (Y/n) closed her eyes as she squinted hard, she opened them up with tears in her eyes. Bucky could see her pupils fluctuate between large and small. She brought the knife up to the sky as she drove downward. Bucky expected to feel the blade pierce further into his neck, only to be surprised that (Y/n) had struck the knife down into her own stomach. She fell over to the side of Bucky, she growled as she ripped it out of her stomach. Bucky got up and looked at her, putting his hands on her would from the knife she roughly removed, "(Y/n), are you ok??" The man yelled, "What the FUCK (Y/N)!" He kicked the body of the man (Y/n) had killed, "Fine, I'll do it myself." The man brought his hands up, smoke appearing, shaping into daggers. Bucky turned and saw the attack, he put his vibranium arm up to try and block the attack when he saw (Y/n) get up and move in front him. "(Y/n)!" Bucky yelled as he watched (Y/n) put up a yellow shield protecting him and her from the attack. "Grab onto me!" She yelled as the man screamed persisting forward with the smoke daggers. Bucky grabbed her arm with his hand, within moments they glowed yellow and disappeared. "NO!" The man yelled as she looked around, destroying the room around him.

The White Wolf & Dark Angel - A James "Bucky" Barnes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now