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You and Wilbur start walking, having not even decided what you wanted for lunch. You also couldn't tell if this was a "date". I mean, he had a crush on you, you knew that, he made it very obvious, but not straightforward. "D-did you wanna go to the burger down the street?" He asked, "sure why not!" You replied. You decide to get take out instead of dining in, so it's clear it wasn't some lame attempt at a date, maybe just trying to spend time with you.

After lunch, the day seemingly goes by quicker, and before you know it it's time to go back to your dorm, and you see Wilbur had texted you! "I had fun 2day :^)" you reply with "yes me 2!:)" you forget to close the curtains on your window, breaking you daily routine to go take a shower. You undress and walk into the bathroom, thinking nothing if it. You text Wilbur back in fourth for a bit, and then decide to bust open a book you've been trying to read for weeks now. As your sitting in bed, reading your book, you can't help but feel.. watched. Not in a "IMA KILL YOU" way, more like in a.. how do I put this.. SEDUCTIVE way. Watching you simply to watch you. You can't help but feel uncomfortable, so you decide to try and sleep to forget about the creepy feeling.

this was only your first true night. Things only get worse.

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