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You've just turned 18, graduated high school, and have moved your studies onto engineering in college. You had just moved from America to London after getting offered a great scholarship offer. You had left your family, your friends. Let's just say you were more than a little lonely.

Upon arriving to your dorm, your greeted with a couch, small tv and 2 twin beds. (Though you don't have a dorm mate.) You began to unpack your suitcase to hear a knock on your door. "Hello?" Your greeted with a tall odd looking man with brown curly hair, a beanie, a lose sweater and visible dark circles. "Oh uh- hello! I- I'm your dorm-neighbor-or whatever it's called- uhm.. my names Wilbur!" he stutters. "Oh uh hello Wilbur! Nice to meet you!" You say. You see him begin to look you up and down making you uncomfortable. "Well I-I should get going-" he stutters again. "That's alright, why don't you come in? I'm still unpacking but let me make you some coffee!" You offer. I mean, you had no friends or family around, gotta take what you got. "Oh uh- well sure! Sure! I'd be happy to!" He says. "Great cmon in." You say a bit nervously about the fact your letting this complete stranger into your dorm. He sits down on the small couch as you plug in your coffee maker. "Well, I never got your name," he hints. "Oh! Of course, my names Y/N! Here's your coffee by the way.." you can still tell he's looking at you very oddly.. it's putting you off a bit. "So what happens to be your schedule? I just got mine." He asks. "Oh yeah! I have.. physics 1st period.. math 2nd.. heyyy why are you asking me this anyway?" You question. I mean, it was a rather odd thing to ask.. "NO REASON IN PARTICULAR!" He states quickly. "Y'know I should really go.." he says as he slips a paper off your desk into his pocket. "Hey wait what did you just take!?-" you yell. It was to late, he had already ran out your door. "Whatever.." you think to yourself. "He was acting so weird.. wonder what his problem was."
You notice it's starting to get late, saying that you have class at 7 am tomorrow. You decide to call it a night, but could not stop thinking about that weird guy.. Wilbur.

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