First Day

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You wake up dreary to your alarm blaring at you. *BEEP BEEP BEEP* "ughh.." you grumble. Once you get up, you slowly get ready and walk out the door. Your wearing jeans, a black and white striped long sleeve, and your favorite pair of converse.
As you enter your first class, you notice Wilbur, the odd guy that greeted you yesterday. "Oh hello y/n! What a coincidence!" He says. "Uhm- yeah! Yeah! Good to see you again.." you say as you sit down next to him. You didn't know anyone else, so you decided it was the best option, also polite. As the class starts, the professor goes on and on about something related to physics, you weren't exactly paying attention. "This class is so boring," Wilbur whispered to you. "Ha, I know right" you reply. You could see him mainly staring at you the entire class, taking quick glances. "You good??" You ask him. "Oh- u-uh yeah! Yeah totally!" He says as he quickly turns back around. The bell rings and your off to your next class.
(Wilbur's POV)
"There's something about that girl I- I've never felt this way about anyone else she's just so- PERFECT- I- I don't know what it is.. she's caught me staring twice now, probably thinks I'm a creep." He thinks to himself quickly pulling out the paper he had taken from your desk the night prior. It was your schedule. "Alright.. mathematics.. here!" He thinks to himself as he walks into the class. "Oh wow hey Wilbur same class AGAIN?" Y/n jokes. "Oh haha yeah that's crazy!" He lies. Wilbur had stolen your schedule and completely copied it. He wanted to be around you at. all. times. You talk to each other a bit less this time, he could tell you felt a little awkward by the fact he just so happened to be in your 1st period as well as your 2nd, though he was hoping you'd think nothing of it.
(Your POV)
I'm walking into my now 3rd class of the day, and what do you Wilbur's in that class too! At this point I'm starting to get very weirded out. I'm starting to get very hungry, only to hear the bell ring. Finally! "Hey, m'lady why don't I take you out to lunch?" Wilbur offers. "Oh, uh, sure! Of course! I'd love that." You reply a bit flustered by the nickname. "Great! Let's go!" He says while dragging you by the arm a bit roughly. He probably didn't realize.

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