The Hickey of Doom (Ironically Not a Naruto Reference, Despite all the Others)

Start from the beginning

"Just say your name and the basics about yourself.", Jade elaborated, but the man still looked confused.

"The basics?", he questioned. Jade explained in further detail.

"Oh you know, your likes, dislikes, hobbies, best kung fu techniques, and goals for the future. Things like that.", she said. The dark green eyed man finally nodded in understanding. Jade sat back down and took a deep breath.

"I'll go first. Hi, I'm Jade Blackbourne. I'm eighteen years old. I like karate, fireworks, reading, music, making people laugh and several other things you all probably know nothing about. My dislikes include biased people, hypocrites, people who can't understand that the world is nuanced and being treated like an outcast. My hobbies are reading and practicing martial arts. I'm a karate master. My goal... Well, right now I have two of them. My immediate goal is to defeat Tai-lung, and my long term goal is to become a kung fu master. So, who wants to go next?", she said with a slightly nervous smile. The boy in orange saw her nervousness and gave her a comforting smile.

"I'll go. My name is Hou Muyang. I'm nineteen. I like food, jokes and making people laugh. I don't like stealing or seeing people upset. My hobbies are training and making jokes. I'm a master of Monkey Style Kung fu and I'm pretty good with swords and a bo staff. My goal for the future is to get to know the cute girl in front of me.", the boy, now known as Hou, said with a wink. Jade blinked and blushed a little as Hou kept staring at her, but he stopped and yelped when one of his friends smacked the back of his head.

"Hey, what was that for?!", he yelled. The one who smacked him, the man in the hat, gave him the side-eye before giving Jade a soft look.

"For being rude. She's the Dragon Warrior, for the Spirit's sake! Show some respect! I'm so sorry about Hou, he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. I'm Guan.", the man in the hat, now known as Guan said. Jade smiled back at him.

"Your name is Guan and... ?", she urged him to continue, wanting to know more about one of the former characters she had been obsessed with as a child. Guan blushed bright red and gulped, giving a shaky smile and smacking himself on the head.

"Oh, right! How silly of me! My name is Guan Zhi-peng. I'm twenty. I like calligraphy, scrolls, cleaning and tea. I dislike when things are dirty. My hobbies are reading, doing calligraphy, learning about herbs and training. I'm a master of Crane Style Kung fu, as well as Fujian White Crane; which, fun fact, are two completely different styles of fighting. I'm also good with throwing knives. My goal for the future is to take down Tai-lung as well.", Guan said with a charming sort of nervousness. Jade returned his smile, causing him to turn even more red. Hou noticed this and gave his friend a dry look, before smirking when he noticed the long haired young man had left something out of his introduction.

"He can fly, too.", the monkey-like man tacked on casually, hoping to draw attention to his shy friend. Guan gave Hou a sharp look, bu Jade gasped and looked at a Guan with stars in her eyes. She knew his flight was his man ability when he was still a character, but she had thought he couldn't fly like he could in the movies since he was human. The fact he still could shocked and excited the girl, and made Guan look even more sheepish.

"You can fly?! How?!", Jade asked like an excited fan (which, she kind of was). The black eyed man laughed nervously.

"It's uh... well, it's complicated. You probably don't want to hear- ", he started to brush off, but his friends wouldn't let him. The dark green haired man gave him a devious smile.

"Oh, I'm sure she does. I mean, who wouldn't want to know the Great Master Guan's secret to flight?", the shorter man insisted. Guan stiffened. He didn't like where this was going.

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