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The alarm was blaring as the fire around continued to burn with chunks of fallen debris all around her with her being trapped underneath some of the debris.

She could see the lights of CHALDEAS and FATE had suddenly turned from a bright blue to a bright red as there was debris everywhere.

They had been preparing for the first Rayshift experiment when there was an explosion that happened and she guessed that she must've lost consciousness at the time. She also wondered if the staff, Masters, if any of them had survived the explosion.

She tried to move her arm forward to try and crawl out of the rubble before realizing that she couldn't move as she looked behind her to see that there was a huge bit of debris on her that prevented her from moving.

Whatever thoughts she had, whatever she was thinking at the moment, all were filled with disappointment and sadness. Disappointment because she never had the chance to save anyone nor save the world like she was made to do with her gifts.

And sadness cause she would never get to see Him again, she wondered if he was alright and safe. She hoped so anyway.

He was the only person aside from Dr Roman that treated her kindly and didn't see her as a tool. She had remembered his name.

Izuku Midoriya. Yes, that was his name. He was the 48th Master Candidate and was at the meeting with the Director.

He was a mysterious person. No one really knows who he is, not even Dr Roman or the Director knew who he was as any records about him were kept secret by the Clocktower. All anybody knew was that he was a Magi who excel at many forms of Magecraft and was skilled in hand to hand combat, weaponry and more.

Many had speculated that he might be a magus Killer like the famed Kiritsugu Emiya. But there were others like Dr Roman who had doubts about that.

When he met her. All she saw were those kind eyes who cared about others very much and cared little about himself. When they met he had wanted to know everything about her which had surprised her greatly, but she felt nothing but joy nonetheless that there was someone other than Dr Roman who cared about her so much.

She stopped her train of thoughts as she lifted her head up as she could've she heard someone calling out to her just now as she blinked before she saw a figure running towards her.

As it drew closer she saw that it was him, Izuku, he was running towards her with a worried look on his face as he saw the condition that she was in.

"Mash..." He asked as he crouched down to meet her gaze

"S-Senpai...." Mash said, a small smile was shown on her face "I'm're....okay..." She said

"Yeah" He said

She looked up at him as she could see how worried he was, he was worried for her and she could see it which was strange to her for someone to be concern for her instead of worrying about themselves.

" should go find any survivors...I-I'll be fine..." Mash said, she didn't want him to waste his time worrying about her when he could be focusing on finding any survivors. But she saw him shake his head

"I'm not leaving you Mash. Your life is just as important as anyone else's life" He said surprising her as he continued "Don't bother trying to change my mind. I'm not going to leave you" He said

Hearing him say that not only surprised her, but also made her smile, even if it was a small smile. She tugged on his pant leg getting his attention.

"Then....can you sit down next to me....even for a moment?" She asked

He didn't answer her, but he did comply with what she asked as he sat down close to her as he held her hand almost on instinct as this surprised Mash.

But she smiled nonetheless "Thank you....Senpai" She said

He could only nod without saying a word.

Then he heard something as an electrical voice was heard.

«Coffin Vitals: Masters»

«Baseline not reached»

«Rayshift requirement not met. Searching for qualifying Master...Found.»

«Master Candidate No.48, Izuku Midoriya, Candidate...Found.»

«Unsummon Program, start.»

«Spiritron Conversion, Start.»

Hearing this alerted Izuku. They were about to be rayshifted and granted he didn't know the exact detail of it. But he did know what that means in this situation.

«Rayshift starting in 3....2....1»

«All procedures clear.»

«First Order, commencing operation.»

Published: 7/15/23

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