New York's Finest Eggs

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September 28, 2016.

Two - Emma

Since accepting her new job offer, Emma had worked nonstop to perfect the paint colors and background of the canvas. The background consisted of a fading sunset and a small castle where the left side was slightly crumbling. She had put all the small details on the background and was opening up a large can of light gray paint that she would use for the base of the cat's body. The floor to her art studio was covered in the large plastic tarp she used whenever larger amounts of paint was involved. She wasn't exactly known for her grace and definitely didn't trust herself to not spill paint all over the rug and hardwood floor. She dipped her paintbrush into the tin and started filling in the light pencil markings she had sketched over the canvas.

She grabbed white and black and almost every shade of gray in between and painted the small hairs, eyes, paws, and every other detail she could think of. By the time she was done, the cat had become a big eyed figure staring back at her. The eyes were the thing that stood out most from the photographs, so she made sure to recreate them as closely as possible.

A few days later, after Emma was sure she'd given everything enough time to dry, she found herself eyeing the pink and purple paints at the paint store. She picked up a shade of each with the plan of combining them together to create the colors for the cat's gown. She found a gold she liked and picked out a few smaller containers of green, red, teal, black, orange, and navy that Tree had said would be nice to accent the crown. She checked out and started making her way home, lugging the heavy bags full of paint down an almost empty street.

When Emma had something to paint, it came easy to her. She had two easels set up, each holding half of the huge canvas. She had set the paint tins on a tall table next to her and grabbed a stool out of the closet so that she didn't have to stand on her tip toes and chance messing something up to reach the top of the painting. Emma dipped her brush in the tin of golden paint and started outlining the crown she had made to sit on top of the cat's head. After the outline was finished, she added the ten small stones that were supposed to go on the crown.

Emma held her paintbrush up but decided there weren't any details she could add before letting this dry the rest of the way. A knock sounded on the door and Emma whipped her head around, losing her balance on the stool and falling into the table that held the open paints. The tin of bright purple paint had ended falling onto her face and splashing on her hair. Emma stood up and looked at Amanda with purple paint dripping down from her head. "I thought you were at work, Mandy. You scared the shit out of me!"

"Oh my god are you okay?" Amanda asked, looking at Emma's now purple hair.

"I'm fine, but I didn't plan on dying my hair today. Do you think it's gonna wash out?" Emma hadn't seen her head yet, but she could feel enough paint to know that it couldn't be good.

"I don't know, you can try. If not you can just buzz it off." Amanda shrugged and Emma couldn't tell if she was joking or not. The two of them walked towards the bathroom where Emma finally got a good look at her paint covered head. The two of them tried to scrub the paint out of her hair for well over two hours and, while some of it had come out, her hair was still a blotchy mix of purple, red, and blonde.

Emma sat on the toilet with her hands covering her eyes while Amanda stood behind her with an electric razor. "Just do it. It will grow back." With Emma's words, Amanda took the razor and shaved a long strip down Emma's head. Emma let out a small scream.

"You said to do it!"

"I know but that was terrifying! What if I look like an egg?" She mumbled between her hands. Emma uncovered her eyes and turned to look at her roommate. She didn't look like an egg, not yet anyways, but she did look like a balding man. Instead of a verbal reply, Amanda took the razor to her own head, shaving a bit off the top. "What did you do that for?" Emma was almost screaming at this point.

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