As she said this, she pointed at the large black mark that spanned much of the island. Shino looked over the landmarks before one caught his attention.

"What is this, a volcano?" he asked as he placed his finger over the large mountain.

"No, it's almost completely level at the top. It's most likely a result of a jutsu or rare natural phenomenon. The fissure's the same way. You can't see the bottom and there are a few caves that we saw," she pointed to the general areas, "and there's a cave here."

She pointed to the east of the north end of the fissure.

"Ah, is that what I think it is?" The two looked up from the map to find Iro had entered the room holding a pile of fabric. Shino stood as she approached, offering her his cushion.

"Why, thank you. Now, here you go dear," she held out the top half of the pile, "these are for you. As a welcome and thank you."

"You started on these less than an hour ago..." he muttered as he took them, examining the stitches.

"Takes less time the more you do it," she laughed. "You can change behind that if you like."

She smiled, pointing at a room divider. Giving a nod in thanks, he made his way over, disappearing behind it. The old woman slowly sat down, and looked over the paper. "So this is Arashijima..."

Sakura explained the topography once more while Shino examined his new clothing.

He found a dark gray, long-sleeved shirt with a dark green ribcage-like design on the back. A line going down the spine and five horizontal lines going parallel to each other. On the right shoulder was the same symbol as his headband in the same green. His pants were the same as Kakashi's and Sai's. His ninja boots were a very dark shade of green, as were a pair of fingerless gloves. To finish off the outfit was an evergreen-colored jacket with two-inch black border hems. On the back was the Arashi star in black.

He looked in the body-length mirror that was hung on the wall, taking in his fresh look. He had to admit she had done a marvelous job; he never thought he would wear greens. Noticing something was in the left jacket pocket, he stuck his hand in to find a pair of rectangle frame sunglasses. After debating on wearing them, he changed out his pair, finding that they fit rather well.

After folding up his old clothes and stuffing his new gloves in his pocket, he walked out from behind the divider. Iro gave a few short claps as he approached.

"Oh! It looks better than I had hoped!" she smiled. "How do you like everything? Does everything fit?"

"Yes, everything fits fine. I like them, thank you."

"Shino! Look'n good!" Tenten exclaimed from the doorway. He gave her a nod in thanks.

"Oh, here are yours, dear," the old woman smiled, holding out the other half of the stack. The brunette looked surprised, but took them. Shino bought her attention and jabbed his thumb in the direction of the divider. After Tenten passed him, he placed down another cushion, joining the two women at the table. He was about to continue his discussion with Sakura when Tenten gave a gasp from behind the thin wall. They turned to her as she poked her head out, her shoulder bare and her hair down.

"Lady Iro! This is beautiful! How long did this take you?!"

"Less than an hour," the man stated. Tenten's eyes grew and her jaw dropped a bit.

"You're joking!"

The elder chuckled.

"Dear, when I start sewing, someone has to stop me," she grinned, causing Tenten to give a laugh as she slipped out of view again. Sakura gave a chuckle, but the man next to her caught on to a worried expression.

"Sakura? What's—" He was cut off by a man with dark orange hair running into the room.

"Whatever is the matter, Kurama?" Iro asked.

"Kurama!?" Tenten yelled, having poked her head out again. Shino silently agreed with her shock as he had not expected a human form from the chakra beast.

"It's Kakashi."

"What do you mean? Where is he?" the old woman asked, her face turning to confusion. He looked her in the eye.

"We don't know where he is."

Sakura suddenly shot up and sprinted out the door, her first thought being that she should check the bridge.

"Sakura!" She glanced to her right to find Kurama had followed her. "We've looked everywhere around town and the bridge! He's not at the old man's either!"

She stopped, the people around them giving her concerned glances. She looked around her, noticing Ino, Sai, and Kosai nearby.

Where else does he know that no one has checked, she asked herself. If they had already checked the bridge and Tazuna's house, the only other place they had spent any time would have been there. She quickly turned on her heel and began in the opposite direction.

"Sakura!" Kurama yelled as she left him on the street.

She ran back past the ruined village, back past Iro's shop. She ran all the way to where Tazuna's house once stood. She stopped and panted as she took in the damage to the building. The only evidence remaining that something once stood there being the beams that were the outer walls, now charred and partially collapsed.

Her eyes were torn from the wreckage by a loud succession of crashes ringing out from the forest. The forest she had been making her way to only moments before.

The one where, when she was young, Team 7 climbed trees.

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