Ugh, that really hurt – like really fucking hurt. Maybe I was being a wuss since I've never been struck before, but that did not feel like natural human strength. The power behind her hand would have sent me to the ground if Jamie's truck hadn't caught me. I fought through the pain, but it was too late. The truck doors slammed shut by the time my vision focused, and the vehicle skidded off!

Fuck no! They took him! I didn't care anymore about anything, didn't care why he let it happen! I didn't care if they were demons. Blinking, I hopped into Jamie's truck, started the engine, and floored it. No thought, no second guesses. Just instinct. How was I going to help? What could I even do? No idea, but I wouldn't be able to anything if I don't tail them!

Which was damn difficult.

If Peter thought I was a crazy driver, he would be downright shocked at these assholes! They went from probably 20 to 80 mph out of the parking lot. In a fucking 35 and with traffic! Yeah, not a good start for me!

They were a small dot to me for the first few miles. Heart pounding, I had to narrowly pass cars, go well over the speed limit, just to keep them barely in sight. I was on the edge of the far-back seat thanks to Jamie's height; I couldn't spare any focus to adjust everything. Oh my god, don't merge over, don't fucking merge into me, you stupid gray car! Ugh, fuck! Go the speed limit, SUV! I'm not stopping! Racing to keep them in squinted sight, I scowled, groaned, and cringed at the swerves I forced myself to make. I couldn't even call Peter. I was going too fast, and my phone was out of reach. All because that bitch break-checked me and caused it to fall to the floor.

After passing that congested area, that dot slowly grew into the fuzzy shape of a truck. Thank god. I was able to catch up... but I'll tell you one thing: I was damn cautious. I stayed back, adjusted the seat and mirrors, and tried not freaking out How much longer? It's been only 20 minutes, but it felt like I was following them for over an hour.

Finally, they turned onto a road blocked by forest. I realized it was a windy and ritzy private drive. At least they were somewhere ahead of me – with seemingly no other exit. Driving slowly, I took in the tunnel of uniformed trees. They bordered the road with pristine grass between each of them. Where the hell were they going? Where was this taking me? The trees and narrow blacktop curved uphill and plateaued... to quite the sight.

Beyond a high black metal gate were two huge condo complexes. They had to be at least 10 stories each. Parking must be in the back – and must be a bitch too. The buildings seemed on top of each other, but holy fuck, was this place classy! The structures, the privacy, the thick perimeter of hedges and maintained tight trees, the lit-up fountains in the landscaping... I mean come on. It screamed priss. Bottom line: if I die tonight, at least it's somewhere in style. Preferably in one of those massive fountains. That would be a sweet way to go out.

There was a code to the gate, so I couldn't drive in. I didn't see that red truck anywhere past this fence, but it must have entered. Otherwise, it would be sitting out here with nowhere to go. So, I pulled off to the side and parked off near the trees. The minute it was in park, I strained over to console and finally snagged my phone. And what happens when I try to call Peter?

"Stop," I groaned in annoyance. No signal. I tried over and over. No signal. I got out, quietly moved around, and still nothing. Fuck it, I didn't have time for this! I was too antsy and needed to get inside.

I eyed the length of the gate and where it extended into the thick trees on each side of it too. I couldn't see if there was a way around. Plus, the set sun and darkening sky made it harder to see. How do I get in? I would have to find some way. And then do what, smarty? Use your bare hands to save him? Fight them off? I pushed aside my logical self-scolding. I would figure something out. I just needed to do something.

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