Dominik Mysterio

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Poppy and Rhea had been friends since practically birth. They had met in kindergarten and kind of have been attached to the hip ever since. When Rhea wanted to start training to become a professional wrestler, she practically begged Poppy to come with her and train. Rhea had plans for the both of them to dominate the Australian wrestling scene before going over to WWE. WWE was Rheas ultimate goal while Poppy wanted to the Australian scene before quietly retiring by 30.

Poppy didnt know what she wanted to be when she was younger but she never thought that she would be wrestling in one of the biggest wrestling promotions in the world. There were things that she needed to work on. Poppy was glad that she had made friends with Mandy who taught her how to use her sex appeal to her advantage.

When Rhea was visiting NXT for a two week visit, she knew that she was going to have to have a talk with Poppy about possibly joining the Judgement Day. The people on the main roster thought that she was almost ready they just didnt know what to do with her and that is when Rhea suggested having another female in the Judgement Day. It was a start for Poppy till they figured out what to do with her. And Rhea knew that her and Poppy would have good on screen chemistry together because of how well they know each other off screen.

Rhea saw Poppy stretching for her match as she went over to her friend. Poppy knew that there was a chance that the camera guys were filming this so it is best to just try and act cool even though it is Rhea and they have been friends forever.

"Whats up Rhea? Thought that you would have gone back to Raw and Smackdown by now." Poppy stated.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about becoming a member of the Judgement Day. I think that it could be a great opportunity for you. You deserve to be on the main roster with me. And the guys agree." Rhea spoke.

"Half the people here deserve to be on the main roster Rhea. I have been working my ass off and I dont need my friend to be putting in words for me. If that time never comes then its fine. Anyways, I got a match against Rox." Poppy stated.

Poppy didnt tell Rhea that she was turning hell tonight. She knew that the plan for her to join the Judgment Day had been in the works for awhile. They did want to push this storyline out with Roxanne till Wrestlemaina weekend before having her work Wrestlemania when Rhea won the Smackdown Womens Championship.

They wanted Poppy to play to her strengths and if that meant being the eye candy then that is what it meant. She knew that there was going to be a time and a place where all the hard work that she had been learning on how to be sexy and competitive would pay off. And she was glad that she was finally going to be given that opportunity to play to her strengths.

After Wrestlemania, no one could have predicted that Poppy would have been the most popular one of the group. Poppy had been getting closer to Dominik within this time and everyone knew that there was something going on even if they wanted to dismiss it. They were always around each other telling each other stuff that no one else knows. It was almost like Cupid had hit them both in the ass with an arrow.

With Poppy becoming one of the most popular women in the division, the Judgement Day starts looking at Poopy as a leader. Which she seems to excel at. For someone who really hasn't had any matches on the main roster, they all knew a story would be in place where they would have to chose between Rhea and Poppy. And that was going to be a match that everyone wanted to see even if it wasnt right now.

Being front and center meant a lot of things that maybe that Poppy wasn't ready for but she knew that she could handle it. If the company wanted her to play to her strength then that is what she is going to do. And she was glad that she could bounce ideas of not only Rhea but everyone involved. From the rest of the Judgement day to the people who are writing the storylines to even Hunter putting an idea or two out there. It was something that everyone was wanting to work and Poppy knew that most of the talking was going to come to Poppy. Even if she wasnt use to talking as much when in NXT.

"Hey Poppy. You have a match tonight against Becky. Do you need any help out there?" Dominik questioned.

"I dont think that I need any help. But if you want to come out there and cheer me on then I am not going to say no to that. You should know by now that I really enjoy having you by my side out there." Poppy questioned.

"Dad says that you are a great wrestler and that if I have the chance to watch you up close then I should. Dad is on it again thinking that there is something going on between us." Dominik stated.

Poppy couldnt help but give a slight smile knowing that this was going to end in heart break more likely for her. But she was okay with that. She knew how to deal with it and move on. This was a job after all and the last thing that she needed was to fall for someone who clearly didn't recuperate those feelings in the slightest.

"Yea. There is nothing going on. But if you want to come out you can. If your dad thinks that you should be out there then I will take that as high praise from him considering that he knows what it is that he is talking about." Poppy stated.

Both Dom and Poppy were attached to the hip almost constantly. If it wasnt Dom accompanying Poppy to matches against the likes of Becky Lynch then it was Poppy accompanying Dom to his matches. It seemed like everyone knew except for them that it was much more than a storyline for them. Somehow the lines had blurred and it was becoming harder and harder to tell where the storyline ended and where their friendship begun. It was almost like Rhea had been replaced in Poppy's life in a sense as her best friend. Which Rhea didnt mind because she was happy to see that one of her best friends was happy even thought she couldnt see it yet.

One night after a match with Ali, Poppy grabs a mic and gets in the ring as Dom hugs her. She knew that this was one of the most important promos that she might ever deliver and she knew that she better make it believable.

"Everyone in this business thinks that they know who Dom is. Everyone will see one day what kind of competitor that Dom is. The rest of us in the Judgement Day see the kind of growth that has been happening. We are all on it. But there is something about Dom. Something special that everyone is witnessing but sure boo him out of the building. One of these days everyone will regret it." Poppy stated before getting out of the ring.

She didnt know what had come over her but she knew that is what she felt in that moment so she was going to say it. She was given bullet points of things that she needed to hit and she felt like she hit them all. Once both her and Dom got backstage she felt someone grab her wrist. She turned around to see Dom looking back at her. She felt him kiss her as she was shocked but after awhile began to kiss him back.

"Thank you for always believing in me." Dom stated.

"Youre welcome." Poppy spoke.

Dom pulled her into a hug and it was in this moment that Poppy knew that this was the beginning of something great between the both of them. Both on and off screen.

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