Matt Hardy X OC (Requested)

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Timeline: Late 90s/Early 2000s

A/N: will not be mentioning Jeffs wife by name but he will have a significant other in this.

Nyla had been friends with Lita since they were kids. They even trained and started wrestling together. After a brief stint in ECW, Nyla found her way to the WWF. Where she found her way back to hanging out with Lita. It was here that Nyla got to know the Hardys. She fond her way getting closer to Matt and was spending time with him. Jeff didnt mind because due to him just meeting Tara. It seemed the only one who had sort of problem with this was Lita.

Nyla didnt know that her best friend had a crush on the elder Hardy Brother. But it was something that they had always talked about when it came to their friendship. Nyla noticed how distant that Lita had become and wanted to know what was going on but every time that she tried to even have a conversation with Lita, she would just get up and leave, almost never giving Nyla the light of day.

"Okay. Whats up. You're being weird. More than usual." Jeff stated.

"It's nothing." Nyla answered before breaking down and continuation. "It's just Lita. She's acting like I stole Matt from her when I didnt even know that she liked him. Just think that there is something there."

"You know that both Matt and Lita use to sleep together. But they were never official. Even though Lita wanted them to be. I havent seen my brother happy till you signed." Jeff spoke.

"We use to tell each other everything. Even when we went out separate ways. She did tell me that she was sleeping with someone but didnt reveal the identity of who the person was. If I had known then I would have backed off. I would have sacrificed how I was feeling to make sure that she was happy." Nyla stated.

It wasnt the first time that Nyla was going to sacrifice how she felt to make sure that Lita was happy. But she only knew so much about the situation with Matt because there was so much that Lita tell her about the situation. Plus, it did always seem like Nyla was the one to sacrifice things to make sure that the relationship with Lita went smooth. This was the first time that Nyla truly felt happy and was interested in a guy but Lita couldn't be happy for her due to it was a guy that she liked. There were a million other guys on the roster that she can hang out with and sleep with but Lita had to be mad about the one that Nyla liked.

It had helped that they had a 6 person tag that night which just so happened to be Nylas in ring debut from company. She was more than okay with being a manager for the Hardys but there was something about Lita that made it glad that this was her in ring debut. Due to the fact that she cold get her hands on Lita and actually get paid for it. But seemed like this match was going to have its problems and wasnt going to go as smoothly as everyone would hope.

The match started out fine until Edge pulled Nyla down from the apron and kissed her. Nyla tried to get away but Edge seemed to have some sort of hold on her. She felt him finally get away from her as she saw Jeff pull him off of her just in time to see Lita smack Matt across the face. Nyla saw red and got into the ring and speared her former best friend. She pulled her over to the corner before going up to the top rope and doing a moonsault for good measure. Nyla lifted Litas leg and got the win.

Matt picked Nyla up and twirled her around as everything seemed to be back on track. He looked at her face to make sure that there were no bruises forming when Nyla felt someone behind her. She turned around and saw Edge standing there like nothing had happened. Nyla gave him a DDT for good measure as the crowd went nuts.

Nyla rolled out of the ring and went backstage wher she knew she was going to get a talking to from the boss but was surprised that it didnt happen. They all seemed pleased with what had happened even if it wasnt what any of them had planned before the match had started. It might have been the reason why they had planned the match due to they all felt it too. And this might be on the brink on one of the greatest rivalries that the womens division had seen for some time.

When she got back to the Hardys locker room she knew that she was going to have a talk with Matt and see where his head was at. Because she knew what she wanted from this but she didn't want to continue whatever it was that they had going on if it meant that he was still going to be sleeping with Lita. Nyla knew that she couldnt put herself threw that kind of pain. If she had to walk away then that it what it meant. As long as she was happy in the end.

"Hey you okay?" A voice asked breaking Nylas thoughts.

She looked up and saw Matt sitting nxt to her. She didnt know what to tell him but knew that she couldnt like to him and pretend that everything was okay. Especially when it wasnt.

"What do you want from this? Do you want to remain friends? Do you want to be more that friends? Fuck buddies? What?" Nyla asked.

"I would have thought that you would have known by now how I feel about you. But if not then maybe we should end this now." Matt answered.

"I know what I want from this Matt. But I am not going to dig myself into a deeper hold falling in love with you when this isnt going to go anywhere. I kneed to know what this is that you want so we can take the next steps." Nyla spoke.

"I want nothing more than for you to be mine. I think it would be for the best if we see how well we work as a couple." Matt stated.

Nyla smiled at him before wrapping her arms around his waist and standing on her toes to give him a small kiss on the mouth. When they broke away they both heard a finally before looking over at Jeff who was smiling that they had finally gotten together. This was something that everyone would have wanted. And Nyla wasnt going to let her former best friend ruin her potential happiness no matter how much she wanted Nylas man.

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