Cheering you up {Will Ospreay #3)

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*I will be using the same name as I used for the last 2 Will Osprey imagines. You can read this as part of the series or not. It can be read as a standalone.*

Jade had gotten a few days off before her boyfriend was suppose to show up for the AEW Trios Tournament. She was going to go to Japan to see him compete in the last few days for the G1. Jade had known how important this was for him and wanted to be there for him. Regardless of the outcome.

Jade had arrived to Tokyo before seeing Great-O-Khan at the airport. He was the only one who she trusted to keep this secret away from Will till the both of them had to go to the arena. Jade knew that Wills head might be to far into the game and trying to win the G1 so that way he might not even notice that Khan was even gone.

Jade had talked with Khan at length about adding another member to the United Empire. One that could represent the group in AEW when the rest of the group was doing NJPW shows in both America and in Japan. It had been a good thing that Tony had been okay with her being the sole representative of the United Empire in AEW just as long it didnt take away from her storylines that she had in place. Especially considering that she was sketched in for a match with Thunder at All Out.

It was honestly the last day of the G1 before she put the plan into action. She had been staying around where the G1 had been taking place as well as catching up with friends that she hadn't seen since she had left for AEW. Including Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. Surprisingly, everyone had kept what she was planning away from Will so it seemed like he had no idea. She was posting pictures on her instagram saying that she with tagging the location of where the finals of the G1 was taking place that year and it seemed like he wasnt catching on. Which the less he caught on the better.

She showed a pass to the person at the door and they let her in. She knew were to go and surprisingly everyone was helping her make sure that things were going to go smoothly in surprising Will that she was in fact here. She had made it to the United Empire locker room before knocking on the door. She heard someone who sounded a lot like her boyfriend groan like he didnt want to be bothered when he was getting prepared for one of the biggest matches of his career against Okada in the finals of the G1.

The door opened to where Will was surprised to see Jade there. He pulled her into a hug to where his head was nuzzled into her neck. Jade wrapped her arms around him as she hugged him back. She might not be in Japan full time but she still almost knew the end and outs of New Japan. So she had a pretty good idea of what kind of stress that Will might be under.

She pulled away from the hug before seeing the worry in Wills eyes. Knowing that he was worried about this match with Okada. She placed a hand on his face before getting on her toes to kiss him slightly. When the kiss broke she rested her forehead on his.

"No matter what happens I am here. I love you and I believe in you. I think that you are the best. And its your time to prove that is exactly what you are. The very best." Jade stated.

Seeing the small smile that became on Wills face made everything else worth it in Jades opinion. Because she knew Will. She knew how much he loved this business and knew that he wanted to leave it better than how he found it. It was the same thing that Jade wanted when it came to the womens division especially in AEW. So seeing that he was starting to be his normal cocky self before going out there made everything in the world. And maybe this was something that he needed to hear. To remind him EXACTLY who he was and what he was capable of being. He was worth being talked about. If anyone deserved to face Jay White at WrestleKingdom in January it would be Will.

Jade was planning on staying back to watch it from the monitor but Will grabbed her hand. Almost to tell her that he needed her way more than he was letting on. She would explain to Tony why she appeared on another companies program without his permission when she got back to the states. Hopefully he would understand why. She grabbed Wills United Empire shirt and put that on. She fixed it to where it seemed like it fitted her and wasnt a mans tee. She grabbed Wills hand as they walked towards the gorilla. No one seemed to know that there would be a new member of United Empire to where Jade didnt know if showing up on TV with the leader of United Empire meant that she was a member of the group or not. But right now, that didnt matter. What mattered was being there for Will no matter the outcome of the match against one of the very best that New Japan had to offered.

"Are you sure about this? Do you know that people will think that I am part of United Empire." Jade stated.

"Is that so bad? If people will talk about a new member then we will just tell them the truth. That yes, you are now a member of United Empire. Its not like the others haven't mentioned it. So lets give them a taste huh?" Will asked.

Jade smiled before kissing Will. As she heard his theme she went out of there with Will coming out shortly after her. It was enough to give the crowd something to talk about. She knew that she wanted to be the first person that he saw regardless of the outcome. And if Will lost, which there was a possibility then there was a good chance that she would be the only one who could help calm him down at the storm that there was going to come. Before the match started she gave him a kiss before stepping outside the ring and to be at ring side.

Okada had been one of the greatest wrestlers that she was glad that she got to witness up close and even glad that they got to train together from time to time before she went to America full time to be apart of AEW. She knew that Okada was going to give Will one of the best fights that he ever had in the last few years. Not to mention probably in one of the best highs of his career. It was only a matter of time before he continued on this high that he was on. And Jade couldnt wait to be on this ride with him.

The match was coming to an end and she could tell that Will was loosing momentum. Jade saw that Okada knew this and went for the Rainmaker and got the win. When the bell rang, Jade got into the ring and went over to Will. The battle might have been over but the war that might have started was far from over. At the very least when Will was involved. It was going to be a long night and Jade was ready for it.

They both had got backstage and she could still see that Will was upset over the lost. To where the other members of the United Empire didnt want to talk to him in order of making it worse. Especially with the trio's tournament coming up in AEW. It would be miserable for everyone involved if Will was still pissed over the loss to Okada. But she gave them all a slight smile and went into the United Empire locker room. Only to see Wills head in his hands. She went and sat in front of him as she slowly touched his arm.

"I'm sorry." Will mumbled.

"Why are you sorry?" Jade questioned knowing full well why he was saying sorry.

"That I disappointed you. That I couldnt pull this win out. That I couldnt win the G1." Will answered.

"William. You haven't disappointed me in the last 10 years that we've known each other. You haven't disappointed me in the last 2 months since we became official. So what if you didnt win? That doesn't mean that your a bad wrestler. You are a fantastic wrestler. And 2022 might not have been your year to win the G1. But you have the next year to prove why you deserve to win the G1 in 2023. Why you deserve to be the face of New Japan. Why you are the future of this company. Because the Will I know wouldnt be mopping around feeling sorry for himself. The Will I know would be pivoting to Wednesday and the Trios tournament. The Will I know would be wanting to get experience so that way next year will be different." Jade stated.

Will looked at her and smiled before kissing her. There was hope that apart of what she said had gotten threw to him. And hopes that this next year will be different. Not only for the career of Will Ospreay but for their relationship as well.

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