Kyle O'Rilley X OC {Requested}

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This was requested by @xenopheniox! Hope y'all enjoy! This will take place during Final Battle 2016 because that's when Kyle won the ROH World Title.

Gina knew that Kyle had this. But when he asked her to come out for his match against Adam to say that she was shocked. Gina knew that this was a no disqualification match which she knew that both of them could get injured in. It didn't make you any less nervous at the fact that you were going to be ringside.

While walking back and forth, Gina didn't hear the door open till she felt two hands on her shoulders making her stop. She looked up and saw her boyfriend looking at her with a worried expression on his face. Gina knew better than to hide anything from him. Even though they were both pro wrestlers it didn't mean that she wasn't worried about her man. She was lucky to get to work with him as his manager while Bobby was out.

"You believe in me right?" Kyle asked looking at Gina.
"You know I believe in you babe. I know you deserve this. After everything Adam put you through the last few months. Put us through." Gina answered.

Gina didn't like the fact that Adam had spilled the fact that Kyle and her were dating for the better part of 2 years to the whole world. But they went with it. And honestly working with Kyle was the best part of the job. And if she could get some revenge on Adam for everything that he put the pair threw then she would take it.

Kyle gave Gina a quick peck before they interlocked their hands and left the locker room. Gina almost always stayed behind Kyle when he did his entrance but tonight it was different. Tonight she was going to be making her entrance first. She looked at Kyle who was having a worried look on his face. She wrapped her arms around him as she could feel him relax. She felt him kiss her head. She looked up at him as he placed his forehead on hers.

"Don't worry Kyle. You got this. I will be right there. Just look at me if you need reassurance." Gina spoke.
"Just don't get involved okay." Kyle stated.
"I will try my best." Gina answered.

As the match started, Kyle looked over to Gina seeing her smile up at him. It gave him the confidence that he needed in order to pull this out. Not only for himself but for Gina as well. The person who had always been there for him. From since before they started dating, Gina was the person who was there to pick him back up. Kyle probably wouldn't be in the position that he was in if it wasn't for her.

Adam always found Kyles weakness so when he was outside of the ring he made his way over to where Gina was standing. And when she didn't move, he grabbed her head pulling her towards him making her a shield. Kyle looked at Gina as he noticed that she was in headlock. He got out of the ring and started to chase them around the ring. But when they got to the ramp, Gina rearrange her legs so she could give Adam a low blow. As Adam let go, Kyle smiled at Gina before checking to see she was okay.

"I'm fine. Now go kick his ass." Gina spoke pointing to Adam.
"Yes ma'am." Kyle smiled before pecking her forehead.

The match wore on and every time Adam went for a pin, Kyle would kick out. And vice versa. After about 20 minutes, Kyle locked in the ankle lock as Gina watched the pain etched on Adams face with a wicked smile on her face. It wasn't long before Adam was taping out.

Gina grabbed the championship from ringside before rolling into the ring to check on Kyle. Gina gave him a smile before resting her forehead on his. She kissed him before handing him the championship.

"I told you that you could do it babe. I am proud of you." Gina spoke.

She helped her boyfriend up before raising his hand. He wrapped her in a side hug before kissing her forehead. It seemed like everything was coming full circle for them and they were happy to share this moment of Kyle winning the ROH championship together in front of a sold out show in New York.

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