Chapter 5

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(Btw this will include Lilith as a member of the league and have more background information but the timeline is different to make sense in the story. I never read the comics I got the information from the official DC Database. Enjoy!)

The group were still sleeping when Stephanie came in. Lilith was sleeping next to Duela because it was the farthest from Turner.

"I've got something." Stephanie said. "Okay, let me try this again, I got donuts!" She said setting them on the table. Everyone opened their eyes and started getting up. "Someone turn her down." Harper said.

"Tell me you found an explanation for how a century old supposedly dead serial killer left fresh fingerprints on Eunice Monroe's music box?" Turner asked sitting up from the hammock.

"He's a vampire?" Duela said sitting up. "Vampire's aren't real." Harper said standing up. "Well neither was Killer Croc until he crawled out of a storm drain, so, break out the garlic and the holy water." Duela said walking to the table and grabbing a donut.

"That fingerprint has to be a fluke. It's literally impossible for Felix Harmon to be the Talon." Harper said. "Okay, but even if he is, we dropped the whole batcave on his ass. Is it too much to hope that we don't need to worry about his anymore?" Cullen asked.

"I don't know. If he really is 130 years old and is still in fighting shape, who knows what he can survive." Turner said putting a jacket on and sitting down.

"The Lazarus pit." Lilith whispered. "The what now?" Duela asked her. Lilith looked at her. "It was discovered by Ra's Al Ghul, former leader of The League of Assassins. It's capable of healing injuries and bring people back from the dead but there's a price, you'd have no soul but it'll keep you immortal." She explained and everyone went quite.

"Could Felix have been resurrected from the pit?" Turner asked. Lilith shook her head and looked at him. "No, it's all the way in the snowy mountains of Switzerland and that was destroyed. Ra's has several secret headquarters all over the globe. There were many pits, closest is several miles from Gotham. I'm not telling the location to you fuckers." Lilith said and Duela laughed.

"Then how do you know about this?" Stephanie asked her. "Uh, because I'm apart of The League of Assassins and Ra's told me before he died. I'm one of the only people, except for Talia Al Ghul to know. He trusted me with a lot of secrets because who would believe Slades daughter? She's just as insane as him." Lilith explained.

Everyone stared at her. "You're a member?" Cullen asked and she nodded. "And you didn't tell us?" Duela asked her. "Didn't think it was important."

"Uh, yeah, that's pretty important." Harper told her and she shrugged.

"Okay! Anyways, bad boys from the grave? Not my wheelhouse but I did dig up a lead we can follow—Cressida's finances." Stephanie said. "So not a grave but probably just as dirty." Turner said.

"Yep. Since Cressida's name kept showing up on that nursing home sign in sheet, paying visit to the Talon's daughter. I thought, what if she's also paying for dear old Eunice's stay there?"

"Yeah, that makes since." Cullen said looking at the papers. "But she's not. Well, at least not directly. She wouldn't want a financial tie because she's smart." Stephanie told them.

"Yeah, smart enough to worm her way into my dads life. Pretending to care about us." Turner muttered out.

Everyone awkwardly looked at each other. "So, uh, who's paying for the old gal's stay at the nursing home?" Harper asked Stephanie. "Someone called 'G&S Limited Holdings and Acquisitions'."

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