♢ breathing exercises ♢

Start from the beginning

"you okay, babe?" he asked, worry building.

"yeah yeah, i'm fine. i've just heard someone say that before," you winced, "trying to forget."

mingyu immediately caught on, face slowly contorting to display a frown.

"i'm so sorry, baby," he exclaimed, wrapping his large arms around you, enveloping you into a bone-crushing hug. you let it slide though; he seemed guilty and genuinely concerned.

"you're good. i'm good."

you pulled away, locking eyes, the elder tilting his head slightly, confused as to why you were silently staring at him. you didn't know yourself.

a feeling of fondness flooded your stomach and clouded your mind; a feeling you'd felt before, but never to this degree.

moments spent together with mingyu replayed in your mind, causing you to smile inwardly, heart swelling painfully.

you picked up on his cute little habits, like always having to touch someone which you found adorable. or him getting slightly aggressive when upset which reminded you of a toddler.

the list grew endless, your heart grew larger.

it was rather alarming to you the pace to which you found yourself falling for these men. you were suddenly bombarded with such strong, overwhelming feelings, spinning your world on an axis.

yet you loved it.

the feeling of being welcomed. coddled and sheltered. the feeling of warmth and the coziness of love.

your vision began to blur, eyes still locked onto the giant sat before you. hot bubbly tears spewed from your eyes, yet you made no move to wipe them away.

"no, no, no," mingyu frantically moved the laptop from his lap and discarded it to the table, scooting closer to you, cupping your face in his large hands, "blue, baby, what's wrong? was it what i said? oh, my baby," he wiped away the salty trails with his thumbs.

"i really like you," you whispered, only to break out it louder cries of anguish, fisting a hand into the sleeve of his hoodie.

mingyu's face split into a great grin, smile reaching ear to ear, before erupting into giggles and laughter.

"i really like you too, baby. there's no need to cry," he cooed.

"no, but, i really, really like you," your lip quivered as you choked on sobs.

"i do too. it's okay, my princess."

"you're not listenin' to me."

"i'm sorry, princess, i'm sorry. i'm listenin' i swear."

"i like you very much. my heart is hurtin' thinkin' about it," you whimpered, "i don't like this feelin'. it's wrong."

"why's it wrong?"


"use your words, baby."

"what if you don't like me anymore? what happens when you get tired of me? what if you realise i'm ugly? what if your parents don't like me? my parents don't even like me! i can't! i can't!"

mingyu watched your chest rise and fall rapidly, hearing you stumble over your words after every hiccup. his brows began to gravitate towards each other, shoulders becoming slack.

"do you hear yourself?" he piqued, tone stern and austere, "do you hear the absolute bullshit you're spewin'? i fell for you that day in lesson. when you came in with your curly fro, and those sweet, sweet lips, and your perfect smile. and then i got to know you? wow. that's when i truly fell in love. i've fallen in love twelve times, each time different to the next. this time, it felt like home. you feel like home," he brushed some stray hairs out of your face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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