blue's blues.

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"maybe i should just order all the cocktails, try 'em out," chan suggested, running a finger down the drinks menu.

junhui snatched the paper from out of the younger's grip, giving him a devilish side eye, "get your grubby fingers off, you damned ipad kid. three drinks. max. no buts."

chan pouted, trying to manipulate the blonde with puppy eyes. junhui almost gave in, his resolve threatening to break.

"fine. you can have five. that's me being nice," junhui eventually gave in, rolling his eyes.

"chan, could you order me a drink? one that you're getting, i just wanna pop to the toilets real quick," you inquired, already leaving the table.

seungcheol watched as you exited the room, heading up the stairs, eyes fixated on your behind. he let out a quiet huff, drawing the attention of jihoon sat beside him.

jihoon made no comment, he rather just observed the elder, something he'd typically do.

unbeknownst to him, seungcheol's heart rate began to pick up, hammering away in his chest. waves of emotions coursing through him, sending him into a state of slight panic.

that's when he realised it.

he excused himself from the table, cautiously making his was up the narrow staircase.

"is that clear?"

seungcheol came to an abrupt stop, heart beats per minute increasing further.

"go fuck yourself, cunt."

he could recognise that tone and sass anywhere.

"you kissin' your mother with that dirty mouth?"

that voice, he didn't recognise.

he powered up the stairs at great speed, a sweet catastrophe of both his and blue's emotions riveting through his veins.

his mouth ran dry at the sight before him.

his precious soulmate, trembling, in the vicious grip of a large man. seungcheol sized him up momentarily, finding that the man was easy prey.

"what the fuck is going on here? back off," he hollered, shoving the assaulter, the man toppling into the wall.

"daddy to the rescue, huh?" he chuffed.

"if you know what's right for you, you'd leave my girlfriend alone."

the anger began to brew within him like a crescendo, a thin piece of glass withholding the sheer pressure. he held strong eye contact, asserting his dominance which sent shivers down bystanders' spine's.

"girlfriend 'ey? so you weren't lyin' to me. i could treat you real nice, cupcake."

the glass began to crack.

"sure. you showed me didn't you?" he faintly heard blue speak.

"a feisty one, ain' she. ya' gotta know how to put 'em in their place," he huffed with his coarse voice, "with a face and body like 'ers you ought'a be careful. probably whorin' 'erself out behind your back."

the fragile dam could no longer withstand the pressure, shattering into delicate pieces, the sea of wrath being unleashed.

seungcheol threw himself forward and landed a powerful blow to the square jaw of the brute, pummeling him to the ground without sparing him a second to recover.

"seungcheol!" he heard blue scream, hands clamouring his body desperately in a futile attempt to spare the vile being.

eventually, he was pried off the man, feeling many foreign fingers on his overheating body, irritating him further.

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